Lunar Calendar

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An Avlis day is 24 hours, a week is seven days, a month is 28 days, 12 months in a year, and 336 days a year

Moon phases

Levena, Avlis' moon, has a 28-day cycle (1:1 ratio) with eight moon phases

  • Phase 1: New Moon (Days 1-4)
  • Phase 2: Waxing Crescent (Days 5-7)
  • Phase 3: First Quarter (Days 8-11)
  • Phase 4: Waxing Gibbous (Days 12-14)
  • Phase 5: Full Moon (Days 15-18)
  • Phase 6: Waning Gibbous (Days 19-21)
  • Phase 7: Last Quarter (Days 22-25)
  • Phase 8: Waning Crescent (Days 26-28)

Calculating Real Life time to In Character time

The IC Avlis Calendar should not be used to determine character age as the Avlis Calendar is not an accurate representation of time passage for a person's age. The in-character / RL time ratio is 3:1. E.g., for an hour to pass in game will take 20 RL minutes. When you first log into the servers, you will receive the weather/date as part of the message of the day. Additionally you can calculate the date through the radial menu. Additionally, you will be able to check the current phase of the moon with the Avlis Command Prompt by typing in /moon