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25th October 2004 ADAM expedition; Elysia Spider Caves

I 'ad the good fortune o' makin' it wi' ADAM, the so called Association of Delvers an' Miners, ta the Spider Caves. E'en tho' I be the least experienced in all the group, they accepted me company. Wi' respect fer their privacy I wonna mention any names in me brief recounting.

We started off in the Adventurers Guild Hall in Mikona, and left fer Elysia as 13. Along the way un o' our number succumbed ta the sickness o' the sea an' decided ta rest along the way.

12 o' us reached teh spider caves an' entered it's dark embrace. Wha' I be admirin' the most were the organisation an' coordination among the members. Truly 'twould rival any trained army.

We waded through many miles o' dark, smelly tunnels, near on plagued wi' all manner o' damned spiders. Finally we met the royal couple o' these eight legged bastages in the bowels o' tha' Fegall fersaken area. 'twas a sight teh behold as our team o' adventurers took on fearsome spiderkin which could kill wi' their mere presence. We finally managed ta best the queen and made our way back through ta the surface.

The very fact tha' none died during the entire expedition, be a tribute ta the leadership o' Shiro Tsuki an' the willingness o' all the members ta stick ta their instructions.

I'm most grateful ta teh members o' ADAM fer letting me accompany 'em on their expedition, an' savin’ me hairy arse on many occasions.