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2nd April 2005 Essay: Dwergen Defensive Combat; ATU, Mikona

Took me a while ta ink this un up. Bin thinkin’ a lot on it an’ figgered sum o’ the younger dwergen may appreciate a mite of advice. Bloody trainin’ session will put ye down ta yer knees if yer nay up ta it. Rufil Hunar, good lad tha’ I’ve decided ta take on as a pupil in the arts. ‘e seems ta be shapin’ up well…


Defensive combat has long bin studied by the Dwergen. A simple philosophy of - Be the last one standin'- has bin the drivin' force ta improve one's ability ta withstand a great deal of punishment. In many ages past, when Galdos were the single nation of the Dwergen, tales abound of the elite warriors 'oo were the masters o' defense. Academies fer the fightin' forces used ta separate those wi' potential an' trained 'em in these arts wi' help from regulars in the elite regiments.

Me favourite tale of the defensive prowess of Dwergen, be the un about the battle at Port Nireth in the early ages of the Great War, where eight thousand stalwarts led by Brigadier Lagnar Flameforge, stopped the main phalanx of giants from the Orcish horde. The discipline an' skill kin nay be expressed on a piece o' paper, but the tale was wha' set me ta study this style of combat.

"Why would ye want ta fight defensively?"

'tis a question I hear from time ta time. I usually tell the folks tha' iffen ye fight defensively an' let yer opponent tire himself out, ye remain fresh 'nuff ta launch a counter he'd probly nay be able ta defend. Iffen yer against more'n un foe, it becomes even more useful in keepin' yerself alive. Patience ta wait fer a chink yer opponents defense an' then capitalisin' on it, works a lot better'n swingin' wildly, hopin' that ye kin hurt yer foe.

Tactics in group fightin'

When yer in a unit composed of archers an' mages, fightin' ta keep the opponents occupied gives 'em time an' space ta wreak havoc among yer foes. Also, iffen yer faced wi' a real problem, defensive prowess gives yer group the time it needs ta retreat an' regroup in a better position. I'm also in favour of a strong rearguard ta 'elp stave off surprise attacks. In all these situations, a clear thinkin' an' defense focused warrior proves ta be more useful an' longer lastin' than others.

Basic techniques

Usin' a weapon-shield combination. This be yer best bet iffen ye want ta go truly defensive. The simple shield places a barrier 'tween ye an' harm. It allows ye ta move through the field o' battle as required, an' kin also be used ta ram yer foes ta the ground. I'd advise all fighters regardless of their mindset ta carry un at all times.

Dual wieldin' an' defense Though no' as effective as a shield, yer offhand weapon kin be used ta parry an opponents blows an' set 'em up fer a wicked counterattack. Weapons wi' curved hilts an' blunt heads are mos' effective in withstandin' blows an' lockin' yer opponents weapon.

2 handed weapons an' defensive combat This best be left ta a well conditioned fighter who's body bin trained ta ignore pain. 'tis the mos' obvious choice fer an offensive focused fighter, bu' I meself use an axe ta good effect. The key, I've found lies in nay swingin' at yer opponent wildly in the hopes o' landin' a cripplin' blow. Keepin' the weapon close ta yer body so tha' ye nay lose yer center o' balance when parryin' blows an' pushin' yer foe ta make 'em lose balance be useful techniques ta keep in mind.

The importance of mental toughness

Discipline, Focus an' Control. The three mos' important things in defensive combat. Wha' sets ye apart from the ragin' bloke swingin' fer all he be worth. If yer able ta think clearly in the heat o' battle, more'n nay, ye'll survive a tough situation. Ye'll find a host o' different fightin' styles; Berserkers, Dirty fightin', Duelists, Hit an' run... each be 'avin their own strengths an' weaknesses. Ye'll need ta marshall yer feelin's, study yer opponent an' work out a way ta overcome 'em. Iffen yer surrounded by a group, use yer shield an' focus yer efforts on breakin' down a single bugger. 'tis like a chain. Once ye break a link, the rest start ta weaken. Donna waste yer efforts by crumpin' different foes at one time.

Trainin' I'll be settin' out a few basic areas ye'll need ta focus on when trainin' yer body ta fight defensively.

Stamina: Iffen ye canna crump fer long periods an' train yer body ta endure pain an' push the limits, ye'll fall too soon an' lose yer effectiveness in a group situation. Iffen yer alone, ye'll probly end up goin' ta meet yer maker. Fer this I'd recommend joggin' at a steady pace fer long periods o'er different terrain an' even in water. As yer body conditions itself, add weight an' eventually ye should be able ta do yer circuit wearin' twice yer armor.

Strength: The thighs, back an' upper body. This be yer center o' power. Tie a coupla sacks o' iron on each end of a stick, a foot wider than yer shoulders. Hoist it onta yer shoulders an' squat till ye feel yer insides squeeze though yer arse, or ye fall down an' kin nay git up no more. Work on weight an' speed o' the repetitions.

Footwork: Nay goin' ta ask ye ta be no twinkle toed dancer, bu' iffen ye want ta defend well, ye'll need ta constantly shift yer feet, adjustin' fer position, parryin' blows an' keepin' yer opponent off balance. More importantly, ye'll be needin' ta keep yer own balance iffen yer in a tight spot surrounded by a bunch o' critters after yer blood. Balancin' on a tree stump wi' one foot an' runnin' on a log floatin' in water be good ta improve yer agility. Fer better reflexes, jus' go try an' catch a chicken with yer bare hands an' without killin' it.

Breathin' an' Control: Fer half an hour a day, try an' empty yer mind of all thoughts 'cept un an' try an' hold onta it. Practice deep breathin' an' periods o' not takin' a breath at all. Then ye'll need ta train wi' a few sparrin' partners. Instruct 'em ta make as much noise as possible while yer sparrin' with 'em. Focus yer thoughts on a single opponent each time while keepin' track o' whatever the others be sayin'. Remember, controllin' yer mind nay mean closin' it ta everythin' except un... 'tis bein' able ta focus yer actions on un while analysin' the situation as a whole.

These be a few basic observations I've made o'er the past years in me study o' defensive combat. I'll add notes as an' when I learn more.