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October 2004 - July 2005 Drannuhl the Vampire Lord, Deglos

Fleggin’ vampiric twat. If’n thar be any other bloke ‘oos caused the Brigade this much trouble, I’ll eat me beard.

Me first encounter

There wa' an attack o' vampires masterminded by the bloke called Drahnnul or summat. The members o' the Dwarf Brigade an' a few others helped ta prevent much damage in Minur.

Unfortunately, the town o' Bundalura wa' left in ruins wi' many folks lyin' dead. This be the third public act o' impudence on teh part o' Drahnnul an' 'is minions. 'e later said that 'e managed ta git what 'e was lookin' fer from the mines. Afore this, 'e robbed a jewel merchant travellin' ta Minur an' also a box o' some sort from a group o' adventurers.

All the shite I managed ta unearth bout the bastage from some tomes of the Vorin library in Derome

...As the signal was given the forces allied ran towards the front as a raging wave across the waters. The right flank would be hold by the human warriors of Vendis Dranuhl, but at that dire moment when the signal was given his forces did not do what was expected, instead of advancing all turned around and walked back to his keep... ...The betrayal came hard to those who build on him, the battle won but at a much greater cost then expected. Those who lost many vowed vengeance, those who where betrayed asked revange... ...They walked towards his keep deep within the mountains of Galdos and drove him back. As the numbers where a few, they seeked no battle with Lord Dranuhl so they sealed the entrance to his domain with powerfull wards and spells so he would never see daylight again, this man would bear his curse for eternity...

A note from Tag

Gorr lads,

sum uf yer prhaps know oi agreed ter help tha halfer Isamu who wus tryin' ter aid Deglos in sum way by crossin' em Dranuhl feller. Well terday oi meet em an' sum uf his friends in tha sloppy elf inn, thar sum guard uf Dranuhl appear'd an' vanished thru sum portal. We decided ter give chase an' guess where we be endin' up? In tha middle uf tha elemntal cave tha leads ter tha pit uf hell. He went ter tha guardian uf tha portal ter tha pit but tahr all sem'd foine, in tah other direction, tha way up an' out however lots uf undeads roam. Nae single ellie be tahr nae more jus' em undeads tha be in league wit' em Dranuhl. At tha entrance uf tha elliecaves tahr be sum strange drawin' on tha ground wit' candles an' such, tha same as Oi've seen outside uf Minur with tha sentinals sum weeks back. So oi be thinkin' sum kind uf desecrratin' uf land be happenin' thar too. He havnae dun nuthin' else then killin' em undead critters an' then Damar an' Isamu hav' inspect'd tha markin' Oi told em it wuld best be destroy'd but they fear'd it moight set uf sum horrible effects iffen we tried. Fer now they be studyin' it, yet oi think we shuld get sum gud look at it ourselves an' take it out iffen we think it ter be an threat.

The Dragon Coal Arrow dream whipers ta Alex

His weakness... lies in his power...although he has many of great might, only in one lies the key. To that which he is bound, the loss unbearable, rid him of this and he will sleep forever...

Was thinkin' 'bout how Dranuhl manages ta best his foes each an' every time at a duel. Go' me thinkin'. I've ne'r seen the bloke wihtout tha' bloody big sword o' his. I know me a few folks who be real skilled wi' the weapons they wield. 'tis like, they be as one with 'em.

This go' me thinkin' 'bout the Dragon prophecy again...

To that which he is bound, the loss unbearable, rid him of this and he will sleep forever...

Methinks iffen we manage ta git a hold of the bloke's sword, 'e would nay be as tough as afore in a duel, an' could git crumped. Then when 'e heads back ta rest in his coffin, we could follow the bugger an' destroy it once an' fer all

Frin managed ta shed sum light on the fleggin’ issue, praise Fegall…

It turns out the Dranuhl has some grudge against the Ashen order. As yet we do not know why, but in the course of finding this out we can across some very inportant information about his sword and thous his power. His sword must be recharged once a year. To do this he must lay the sword down. The place he charges the sword is his arena. There are diffrent places in Deglos who are attuned to his sword. These were referred to as "power channels". With the destruction of each of the power channels the sword with become less useful.

This is all we know of the power channels location "I can tell of one,.... it is somewhere near the old city...." We could not get a better discription than old city, but we are looking into it.

An’ the las’ account I e’er heard bout the blighter afore ‘e disappeared fer good were from Thror…

Meself, Gemli, an' Ulfeit explored inta th' ruins o' Old Nutz unnerneath th' temple o' fegall en Nutz's temple district. We found this odd glowin column thing thet reaked o' negative energy an' magics, oi examined et an' et seems ta be a conduit type thing thet sends energy off ta another area....oi think et might be one o' em power channels we been lookin fer.

We also encountered a few o' dranuhls buggers, an' Dranuhl 'imself down thar...we attacked 'im as we didnae see nother choice, an' were felled quickly...when we recovered nough ta stand agin 'e were gone.

Dunno wha’ happened after tha’. Will need ta git in touch wi’ Thror summat time an’ talk bout it o’er an ale.