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Revision as of 05:11, 3 July 2006

11th July 2005 The Will of Dagath creation; Westshore

Probly un of me finest achievements in the crafts. The need came ‘bout when the Keepers o’ the Cycle needed a base weapon ta enchant so tha’ they could destroy the undead critter known as Bia’taron. It would ‘ave to be a blade tha’ could withstand heavy enchantin’ an’ cut through mos’ anythin’ tha’ had the taint of the undead. I decided ta go wi’ Adamantium an’ Darksteel in a mixed alloy so’s ta achieve the consistency an’ enchantability fer the blade. Needed ta make sure’n I dinna fold the metal too much else it’d git too brittle. Used sum good quality Nanshi Mahagony fer the hilt an’ inlaid the filigree wi’ Mithril. Think the inscription were pretty nifty, aye.