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They are a former Elite Black Ops of the T'Nanshi Military created many millenia ago and shrowded in secrecy.

Since their charter, they have broken off and become a Rogue Entity. Their constant use of magic conditioning has caused them to fork off from the Elven main lineage and are now both physically and mentally diffrent from T'Nanshi Elves.

Their existance has been covered up by the T'Nanshi Military not long after their organizational break, and are now shrouded in myth and legend. The facts of their existance have been so exagerated and muddled that nobody really knows who they are now.


Most Sereg'wethrin have a very volatile demeanor. They have little patience and explode early on in an confronation. Loyalty to their own is one of the few virtues they maintain as a culture.

Physical Description

Sereg'wethrin look very much like Elves. The main differences are their darker skin and darker hair. They usually have strange scars through much of their body as a result of the magic conditioning they all go through.


Sereg'wethrin maintain a strong hatred of Humans. They see Humans as a viral culture that is a threat to all other cultures near them. Unless their are predefined arrangements, they will attack any Human on sight.

Sereg'wethrin maintain, by default, a non agressive (even friendly) relationship with most other races.


Sereg'wethrin eptimize the chaotic nature of their elven heritage. They tend toward neither good nor evil, maintaining and air of irrelevence towards most events. This is true unless you are speaking with a Human. Sereg'wethrin most certainly have an evil tendency with Humans in general.

Sereg'wethrin Lands

The Sereg'wethrin have taken up residence in the Underdark of Avlis. The center of Sereg'wethrin society has its roots in the Underdark beneath T'Nanshi, but have expanded to other parts of the Underdark. They form tight, military style strongholds rather than cities, in highly defensible points of the Underdark.


Sereg'wethrin are amoral and worship their own existance rather than any external deity.


Sereg'wethrin speak Avlisian Elven. What's interesting is that they use Dranganari Elven to refer to themselves. This anomoly has its routes to when they were part of the T'Nanshi Military. They were so named by the T'Nanshi Military in order to maintain plausible deniability should they be caught during an operation. A few examples: Sereg'wethrin actgually means "Assasin", Cuar= "Archer", Shaalth="Captain".


Sereg'wethrin have kept thir Elven routes when it comes to their personal names.


Sereg'wethrin primary MO for combat is ambush and trap. They lie in hiding and strike fiercly, then they disappear just as fast. When faced with a superior opponent, they are not opposed to taking out lesser opponents of his group and leaving him behind. Suicide mission are also not unheard of, especially when biological weaponry is involved.


The Nanshi Elven Nation created a secret, elite black ops fighting force to fight against the Orcs in the Great War. They name this force the Dranganari word for Assasin, Sereg'wethrin. The different specializations within this force were also given a Dranganari designation.

Before they were deployed, the Great War ended with the explosive destruction of all Orc Mages. Without a purpose, the Sereg'wethrin force was relegated to training and minor operations with limited scope.

Initially, the Sereg'wethrin were normal Nanshi Elven soldiers. The soldiers participated in voluntary magic conditioning that enhanced their abilities. This low to mid level conditioning proved to be very effective in allowing the Sereg'wethrin force to gain an edge in tactical combat missions.

As time passed, the Sereg'wethrin began to experiment with increased levels and different forms of magic. Their experimentation proved to be incredibly fruitful, however, the effects of this conditioning began to make gentic changes within the Sereg'wethrin Elves. A few of the more significant changes are:

  • Camoflough: The Sereg'wethrin skin and hair is permanently dark... almost black.
  • Stealth: Enhanced Hiding and Silent abilities. Also an innate ability to cast Darkness.
  • Speed: Sereg'wethrin have an un-natural quickness.

A price of this experimentation and enhancement was also paid. The mind of a Sereg'wethrin is very chaotic... in fact, they have a very loose grasp on sanity. This can be very useful in combat, but makes them extremely volitile.

Part of their conditioning has always been military obedience to the chain of command. This may seem to fly against their choatic nature, but realise that it is an artificially magically induced behavioral trait. Without this conditioning, the Sereg'wethrin would cease to become an organized force to be reckoned with.

The T'Nanshi-M'Chek Conflict

During the beginning of the T'Nanshi-M'Chek War, the Sereg'wethrin Force was deployed. This force was extremely effective at stealth operations, but the Sereg'wethrin leadership was not satisfied with performance. At this point, a new regiement of conditioning was began. This new conditioning would implant strong, irresistable influence of hatred towards Humans. This anti-human programming was taken a step further in that if a Sereg'wethrin were to be within 20 feet a human, his influence to attack became exponentially stronger the longer he stayed within that distance. The drive can only be saited by engaging the human, and ultimately the sereg'wethrin will drop dead if the drive remained unsatiated. Obviously, this is a manipulation to prevent captured Sereg'wethrin from revealing any intel under duress.

The anti-human conditioning was BRUTALLY effective. Sereg'wethrin slaughtered humans with a gleeful passion. In fact, it worked too well. The Sereg'wethrin now made no distinction between Human soldiers and Human civilians (including woman and children). This behavior shocked and apalled Nanshi High Command. It so repulsed them that they issued a recall and analsys of the Sereg'wethrin Force. But at this point, it was too late.

The Sereg'wethrin Leadership percieved the recall as an attack on their existence, and they immediately took action. They withdrew all Sereg'wethrin troops from their surface bases, and secured their underground bases, including their primary fortress deep in the underdark. This action confirmed their rogue status and explicitly defined their sovereighnty from the Nanshi Nation.

Drives and Interests

The Sereg'wethrin have 2 natural drives: Protection and Enhancement of their existence. These natural drives are further reinforced by a number of artificially induced drives (through conditioning): Overriding concern for the collective of Sereg'wethrin interests personified, and Overriding hatred for Human-kind.

Reproduction and The Nwal'maer

The Sereg'wethrin consisted of an all-male military force. When they broke away from Nanshi, this presented a survival problem. To solve this problem, the Sereg'wethrin began raiding Elven villages and capturing woman and young male Elves. The woman were imprisoned in a breeding sector of the primary underdark fortress, their sole purpose is to produce Sereg'wethrin children. The Sereg'wethrin thought to train the young males and incorporate them into their collective, however, the Elves proved to be resistant and ultimately they would not willingly join.

These young elven males were eventually put through another experimental conditioning process. This process proved to be extremely powerful, and dangerous. 80% of the elves undergoing this special conditioning died, but those that survived were changed. Their minds completely surpressed of willful thought, enslaved in a "superhuman" body under the command of Sereg'wethrin leadership. They become deadly tools, an extension of Sereg'wethrin might, lacking a will of their own. They were dubbed, Nwal'maer, Dranganari for "The Tortured Ones".