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The Iron Point Tribe

Tribal Region/Terrain: Southern Tyedu, generally found among a shifting territory of lowland tundra and crag strewn uplands at the feet of the northernmost Galdosian Mountain Range. About two weeks travel south of Port Masteus over land.
Tribal Animals: Wolves are the sacred tribal totem animal. Elk are venerated for their multitude of uses in day to day life.
Tribal Deity/Deities: Kaena'ruk, The Red Wolf
Tribal Population/Size: ~500 men of fighting age, another 1,000 women, children, and elderly
Tribal Weapons/Armor: Axes, swords and pieces of heavy armor are seen among the core warriors, though most tribesmen called to war wear some form of hide or leather and employ spears.
Tribal Alignment: Generally chaotic, considering the way of life and loose tribal structure.
Tribal Organization: A chieftain is chosen through ritualized tests of merit, cunning, and combat; afterwards approved by the members of the tribe. This leader, whose dwelling holds the tribe's banner of war, is known as the Fang. The Fang is advised by the tribes wisest shamen, making most major decisions - at times consulting some of the older, respected tribesmen.

Tribal Existence: Generally the tribesmen make the majority of their living as hunters, trading furs and meats with travelers, neighboring tribes, and the inhabitants of Port Masteus. As is the near constant cycle of Tyeduan life, the tribesmen are no strangers to conflict - warring with neighbors over resources in lean years, which are plenty, and at times even against ogres or giants driven down out of the mountains by the dwarven neighbors.

The Iron Point Tribe, or the Wolves of Iron Point as some call them, live within the harsh lands of blood, struggle, and winter that comprise the northern nation of Tyedu. The Tribe call a shifting territory of lowland tundra and crag strewn uplands home, at the feet of the northern spines of the Galdosian Mountains. They are not particularly large - numbering perhaps a few thousand strong at their most prosperous times - their local power and influence waxing and waning appropriately. The livelihoods of the tribesmen revolve around hunting and trapping - trading furs and meats with travelers, neighboring tribes, and the inhabitants of Port Masteus to the north. During the warmer months they live a more nomadic hunting existence, following the closest herds - in the harsh winters the more experienced hunting parties set out from more permanent shelters among the uplands.

The tribal name is taken from a large rock formation in the shadows of the mountains, reaching skyward streaked with deep reds. It is the holy site of the tribe, which their lands radiate out from. Tribal traditions hold that they were led to the Point by their spirit-god, Kaena'ruk; legend defining it as the shard of a great power's blade, fallen to earth during a battle before the coming of men.

Kaena'ruk, the Red Wolf, is seen as the tribesmen's spiritual protector and guide, who taught them the skills of strength and survival necessary. All tribesmen venerate and give prayers to Kaena'ruk, though only a relatively small number of blooded warriors are judged marked by the Wolf for a place among the shamen and priests. They are the keepers of the traditions, legends, and rites - their word carrying increased weight and the wisest, most powerful among them having a great influence on decisions with the tribe's chieftain.

The greatest power within the tribe lies with this sole chieftain, ruling through strength and cunning - without these traits, a leader of the Iron Point will not hold the mantle long. Any member among the tribe may challenge a living chieftain, at any time - not a common occurrence, due to the nature of those who rise to the position, but not unheard of. The more natural succession comes to pass when an aging chieftain steps aside or more commonly, dies in service of the tribe. When the Iron Point lack a leader, numerous candidates will come forward to compete for the right to bear the mantle - a series of ritualized contests over three days, overseen by the rite-holders of Kaena'ruk. The chieftains of the Iron Point take the title of Fang, and are often simply referred to as such.

Aside from the recognized chieftain and the cadre of the Red Wolf's priests, organization among the Iron Point is very loose and independent among family groups. For every member of the tribe, life in the lands of the Iron point is a daily test, resulting in a very equal society - as all are equally tested by the elements and their spirit-god, the tribe cannot afford to discriminate and survive. All children are taken on hunting parties amidst their elders at a young age, learning the skills and knowledge necessary for their world. As puberty begins to strike, the stronger among them may begin accompanying war parties in the spring. A few years later they are judged to be full Clan members, able to stand on their own among their fellows.

Not all are warriors with regularity, for obvious reasons, although all who survive into full membership can fight and hunt when the need arises. Those who both grew strong enough to accompany war parties and survived into adulthood become the backbone of the Iron Points when on the war path. An even more select number among them are born with an incomparable rage and bloodlust in battle, capable of inhuman feats for a short time. These are seen as blessed by the Red Wolf, and undertake a rite known as the Proof of Claws as they enter adulthood - generally going on to become leaders in both parties of war and hunting, and at times priests as well.

Known Traditions & Rituals:

The Proof of Claws - The rite-holders of the Tribe, Kaena'ruk's priests speak of the Red Wolf's rise in the wake of his mother's death - of other wolves who thought themselves worthy of her place, who believed they were the strongest, and how one by one Kaena'ruk slew them and took their strength. For those believed blessed with battle-rage, a ritual test awaits as they reach adulthood - the rites hold that the Wolf sends a part of himself to personally test the warrior, and to succeed they must overcome this wolf aspect, to take it's place and strength alongside their god. The burgeoning adult is sent into the wild mountains alone, where they must find and kill their prey.

Blooding - Those judged by the wolf cult to be marked for membership as his priests and shamen pass through a series of spiritual rituals and tasks overseen by an elder, whispered to culminate in the acolyte arriving near deaths doorstep, only to be whisked back through divine magic - the young carriers of the wolf-rites left bloodied and heal to show similar scarring.