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Revision as of 02:24, 31 August 2018

| Animal Companion Training | Fauna Lore | Submit Research on a New Companion |


Creature Name: Mountain Goat

Observations by: Malulani jael MacMurray

Creature Type: Animal

Creature Subtype: Bovine

CTS trainable: Not yet (researching).


These creatures are amazing climbers, it was one of their paths I followed up the side of Gertrie Mountain to find my grove. They have heavy winter coats to ward against the winter. The nannies can be aggressive toward each other to guard their food sources, they will also fight back against their predators, which include wolves, bears, large cats, wolverines and occasionally giant eagles.

Feeding Habits

Mountain goats eat a lot of different kinds of plants. They also have to search out salt licks just like deer and horses.

Disposition and Social Habits

The males- billies- and females -nannies - usually form separate groups when it is not mating season which is in the fall. The young are weaned after about a month after their spring birth but usually follow their nanny for a year or until she gives birth to another kid.


I have spotted them in Gertire Forest, but they may have just come down for the water and salt and easy food. I think most of the time they prefer to stay above the tree line.


Most compatible: Dire Boar

  • Like the Dire Boar, goats live on the edge of being wild and being domesticated. Much like the pig and cow.

Other notes

Many times the goat spirit can remind us to be more agile. It can also remind us to reach for new and higher goals and believe we can be sure on our feet. Goat teaches us to be persistent, fearless in facing our obstacles.