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Clan Rynn

By Yamsandjams

History and Geography

Clan Rynn is very young when compared with most other Tyedu clans. The founder was also named Rynn, who originally was a member of a different Tyedu clan. When Rynn was growing up, he always despised the strict rules and rigid traditions that his clan forced upon him. Rynn's attitude and preferences sharply contrasted everyone else's. Even his physical appearance made him an outsider, with darker skin and darker hair than most. He desired only to break free from his confinement and begin a new lifestyle, living the way he desired. The opportunity to realize his dream came to him when he was a grown member of his birth clan. In a vision, he saw Gimi Won, the local spirit-god of thunder, show him the way to freedom. When he awoke in the middle of the night, he steathily departed from his old clan for good.

Every night, Rynn would have a vision in which Gimi Won would guide him to new food and shelter. As time went on, Rynn eventually began accustomed to this way of life and no longer needed the visions to tell him where to eat or sleep next. Now that Rynn could successfully survive on his own, the next step was to create a new clan devoted to his newfound patron spirit. He began to have visions of people that would become true clan members. These people were sought out, and almost all of them chose to follow Rynn. Naming the clan after himself, Rynn decided that there would be no organized government or stiff traditions to follow, save those that Gimi Won demanded, which were generally very few. So, the men and women of Clan Rynn traveled as a group, living by instinct, wit, and luck.

Clan Rynn would typically roam around the plains and lowlands of Tyedu to gather their food and find shelter. They did not have any specific place they called home and became quite resourceful. Although there was no way to manage these resources, members of the clan would usually use thier common sense, keep to themselves, and sometimes help each other out. They appreciated each others situation and thus were very friendly towards one another, though there was always some degree of friction between them. They would typically eat whatever they could find, though main sources of food include the great white-furred bears, fish, seal, and various vegetation. They usually tried to travel on a seasonal schedule to stay nearer to their food sources. Clan Rynn crafters used ore from some mountains to make weapons, and used furs to make leather clothing and other things, such as bags and beds. Although there was never really any formal order to what went on, Rynn was regarded by all as the leader because he was the strongest of the clan and would receive visions in times of trouble.

Since the clan lacked some form of coherence, it was not widely recognized or known among other Tyedu clans. Their ideas of free will and unchecked emotions led some clans to fear its existence. Other clans tolerated them, though they rarely encountered the other tribes of Tyedu. The only member of the Clan Rynn that was well known by other clans was Rynn himself. In later years, Rynn would have a son, but the name of his son was not known to outsiders. There were no marriages outside of the clan as the clan desired to preserve their specific physical characteristics and lifestyle.

Life went on like this for a few generations. Rynn grew up to be a very old man, but his Tyedu heritage gave him the strength to continue living. However, he stopped having visions of the future, and eventually he tried to settle things down a bit more as the wild lifestyle was possibly a little to dangerous for him. However, disaster soon struck. One day, a of the Tyedu clan told the others of how he found a beast of massive strength while out hunting with his comrades. This beast, he said, was powerful enough to slaughter and devour a white-furred bear in a matter of seconds. Many members disbelieved him, and they stayed around the general area for several more days. One night, however, this beast descended upon the Tyedu camp. They had never been attacked by something so dangerous before that they did not have any effective defense. As the beast began slaughtering clan members, it became an every-man-for-himself situation. However, their attempt was futile. Clan Rynn was brought to the brink of extinction that day. The fate of their leader, Rynn, was unknown, and the only survivors were those who fled. No specific name was given to this day. It is only recalled as the Great Disaster. Some say that Gimi Won sent this beast upon Rynn because he stopped fulfilling his wishes. Others say that the bloodthirsty beast came from below ground looking for food. Whatever the case, Clan Rynn was reduced to a mere fraction of what it once was. Most of those who fled went south, living in solitary or in small parties among the cities or the wilderness. A few more supposedly fled westward closer to the Kurathene Empire. If any of Rynn's followers remain in Tyedu, they are in small, hidden groups at best. It is rumored that the son of Rynn is still alive, but none know for sure. The future of this clan is very questionable.

Gimi Won

Gimi Won is the local spirit god of thunder. He sent Rynn, the creater of the clan, many visions that would help him establish his new way of life. Gimi Won is represented by an enclosed, bare fist. He vaules those who stress free will and whose actions are typically dictated by thier emotions. His followers do not only struggle against nature to survive, but also challenge nature further, testing every limit of their body and mind. A saying that the followers of Gimi Won try to embody is, "The thunder is great, but my thunder is greater." The only thing Gimi Won demands of his followers is that they continue this way of life and make his presence strong. They must also never interbreed with members of other nations or races unless Gimi Won tells them too.

The People of Clan Rynn

The people of Clann Rynn are typically noticeable for their slightly darker skin, hair, and eyes. They tend to be more built than the average Tyedu clan as their rigourous lifestyle demands it. Each true member is marked with black and yellow or gold tattoos. Names of members are typically short, one or two syllable names. Although it is said that a few of the remaining Rynn members have bred with other humans not of their stock, their offspring carry very little semblance of the Rynn attributes. Both males and females are regarded equally, although it is usually the males that hunt and the females that craft.

Because the clan places no value on magic, no members of the clan practice arcane or divine spellcasting. Since there are also no institutions of formal training, the real clan will consist solely of human barbarians, winning their struggles with sheer prowess and instinct. They never choose to wear armour that is heavier than it needs to be. The heaviest a Rynn member will wear is a chain shirt or suit of scale mail. Most members will use leather armours, or some prefer to wear no armour at all. Although many would be apt with a shield, it is not regarded highly amongst other Tyedu. Most will use large weapons, the favourites being the greatsword, greataxe, double sword, double axe, dire mace, heavy flail, and spear.

The clan is best described as any-chaotic alignment, though Chaotic Neutral is surely predominant.