SourceMaterial-Avlis Campaign 6, Part 2: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:36, 16 May 2020

Scene 9: Village of the Mindless

Town name - unknown
Party lands on Levena, moon of Avlis
Most buildings are empty, sometimes a catatonic person is found in a building, constantly bumping into a wall or banging head on table
Tavern - The Space Pony - find a little girl in a daze, talks about “The Great Builder”, calls him a “mind bender”.
Has no idea where everyone went.
She thinks “Great Builder” lives west.
Doesn’t seem to be much help beyond that.
Party ventures out of village to west, comes to a graveyard with mausoleum
Find a secret passage at the back wall where there is a shrine to Saint Mariam that has a door opening up to a stairway down
Find a vampire down there, symbol of Saint Mariam on his coffin
Fight the vampire, he turns to gaseous form and flees

Scene 10: Vampire on Board

Party decides it was a vampire, not a mind flayer that destroyed the village
Head back to ship to go tell the githzerai
Crew members start disappearing after a few days
Lathalsa (half-sylph) shows signs of becoming a thrall
Party stations the orc slave with her to stop vampire from coming in while he’s coming in, but it doesn’t seem to work
Party studies the dying body of Lathalsa, finds a holy symbol of Saint Mariam around her neck
Vampire appears, tells them Lathalsa looks just like Saint Mariam
Vampire claims he was Saint Mariam lover, and he witnessed her ascension to godhood
His protests and anguish over Mariam's pain made him curse at The Supreme, who he supposes changed him into a vampire
He was unable to bear staying with Saint Mariam any longer, too painful. She left for somewhere unknown.
She gave him a censor and told him it was one of three keys he could use to find her again one day
Vamp tells the party that a mind flayer is indeed killing everyone in that village
Vampire kills Lathalsa and leaves
Party cuts Lathalsa's head off to try to prevent her from rising
Vampire gets angry, fights party
Charms Conor and Thundershaft, bites them both, drains Conor until death
Party "vaporizes" vamp but he comes back an hour later and tells them to retrieve the head of Lathalsa and put it back on
Party complies and takes vamp and bodies of Lathalsa and Conor to githyanki asteroid, let's them go
Dock official who gave party mission to scout the mind flayer on Levena berates them, tells them to try again

Scene 11: If at first you don't succeed...

The party took some downtime on the githzerai asteroid to resupply and rest
Met a githzerai wizard named Nirk who was assigned to them by the githzerai as a guide to do reconnaissance on the suspected mind flayer on Levena
In the tavern where they met Nirk, they ran into a paladin of St. Mariam named Sir Worthur
Worthur told them that he is part of the Order of the Panfish sent to capture or kill Leticia and Alhana as heretics for their beliefs in Literalism
Worthur was secretly sympathetic to them due to his adventures in space. He believes Mariam may have physically ascended and that it may not be just a metaphor. He warns the group that a group of paladins of the Order of the Panfish are on the asteroid ready to grab them.
Says there is a war going on back on Avlis between the Literalists and the orthodox church. The Order of the Panfish is running an Inquisition against heretics/Literalists.
He walks out of the bar. Afterward, the PC's decide they need more crew and Nirk tells them to post an ad in the Town Hall.
On the way to the Town Hall they get jumped by the paladins. Leticia's spell kills several and the others, including Sir Worthur flee.
After posting the ad, they relax and recoup some more. Days later, 10 githzerai show up. 9 decide to join the crew within a couple days.
Crew takes off for Levena, and almost instantly gets jumped by a paladin ship.
Space battle ensues. Shots traded. The party uses Greek Fire to catch the paladin ship aflame and mows down most of the crew with the arquebi.
They board the ship, almost completely empty now and find the mage who was driving, a member of the White Order of the Light.
They complete their journey to Levena and find a crator with construction taking place, seemingly by thralls from the town they last left.

Scene 12: The Big Dig

Upon closer inspection of the crator, the group found that it was being excavated by thralls which were people from the village.
Nirk said it was the work of a potentially powerful mindflayer and the signs pointed to them attempting to establish a breeding base.
After waking up several of the thrawls and gathering more evidence, the group returned to the ship and took off to bring the news back to the Githzerai.
When they were close to port, another ship of Paladins jumped the group in a Galleon. This time the group decided to fight them ship to ship and take their Galleon for their own.
After a successful battle, the group found evidence that the Order of the Panfish is aware of the Three Keys of Faith which supposedly open a gate to St. Mariam.
The group already possesses the Censor of Purity, and a new clue was found on the ship: The Lantern of Truth lies within a dungeon below the Monastery of Faith on the Githzerai asteroid....