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Above the Keep - By Lorelai Silvermoon Volume 15

The side of the Hunter's face was spattered with thick, foul smelling blood, dripping down his neck and staining the collar of his tunic a darker shade of brown. Before him a massive troll landed heavily on its knees, clutching at the gaping wound that opened its throat and trying in vain to stem the lifeblood from spilling past its dirty fingers onto the ground, the giantkin's eyes wide in terror knowing its end was at hand.

The Blade of Pelar, his double bladed sword held comfortably in his hands, stepped to the side of the dying troll. His eyes quickly scanned to his right and watched Skyla loose a final arrow at another charging troll. The shaft brought the creature down in a tangle of arms and legs, coming to a stop just feet in front of the smaller twin. His eyes flicked past her to see her brother standing above the third and final troll, his own blade crimson. In that moment, the three Hunters shared a silent look between themselves, grins on the faces of Thaylis and Skyla. Thaylis could have almost sworn he saw the beginnings of a smile on Seraph's own face, only to disappear again just as quickly under the stern mask typically in place on the older twin's expression.

The three Pelarites were brought here by chance. They had cut across the tracks of a group of trolls in the foothills of the Deglosian Mountains, Seraph's keen eyes first spotting the telltale signs of a small group moving higher into the mountains. The Hunters began the Stalk with the Seraph taking the lead. As Hunters moved along the tracks, Thaylis silently admired the twin's graceful movements as they passed through the foliage of the lowland hills unseen by all but those with the sharpest vision.

The trio found themselves higher in the lowlands, the ground becoming more jagged as they headed higher. Seraph halted their progress and in a hushed, barely audible voice indicated to the others that their Prey was now in sight, three massive trolls gathered at the opening of a small cave. A brief discussion had been followed by swift execution of their plan to end the Hunt as cleanly as possible. The Kill was started by Skyla's arrows, supported by the blades of Thaylis and Seraph. It was over as quickly as it started.

Following Skyla's lead, the Pelarites slipped back into the shadows, blending back into the cover of the overgrowth. They headed south toward the Avariel home of Nor'Seere.

Upon the fifth day, the Champion stands steadily upon the stones of the walls, the light breeze shifting his tunics and tabards about ... eyes flicking studiously as each serpentine shape alights upon the parapets before stepping to the roof proper, appraising any damages and states since the skirmishing.

When all have gathered, Cole reiterates some of the words from just after the fighting, with emphasis on the likelihood that they will not have it so easy in the future. The stones will be better prepared. Their riders will have chance to mount.

He then lists out the drills for the first part of the day and sees them all to the air ...

Turning his attention then to Thaylis and Skyla, Cole moves to make one more assessing ride of them, before turning them loose with the single rider, weapon ready saddle for their configuring and familiarity.