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The Greatest of Gifts by the Academy of Bardic Arts

An educational play loosly inspired by the books;

Creation, The Hand of the Supreme: An objective review of the Divinity of Avlis and Of the Nine, The Greater Gods of Avlis: An objective review of the Divinity of Avlis By N'uquerni-Delothion, Lorewarden of Vorin

Act I Curtain down: Lights down:

Narrarator: (Mikon) from behind curtain (audience can still hear): Tonights play is sponsored and chartered by LEAF enterprises, Maulani Jael, President.

Sound - thunder from backstage

Narrarator: (Mikon) from behind curtain (audience can still hear)

In the beginning, there was chaos. Reigning over that chaos was a boundless Supreme Being with no name and no form. For untold millennia the Supreme Being of Avlis wandered through the chaos without any purpose or aim. The crystal sphere containing this chaos was called "Avlis", and at one point, no one knows exactly when, the Supreme of the crystal sphere grew weary of the chaos and decided to create order in Avlis' crystal sphere.

Sound - thunder from backstage

So, the swirling chaos was gathered up and the stars were formed. The planets and the world itself. The Supreme saw that this work was done well, and he was pleased. He decided to keep this new world for it pleased him and to honor his perfect creation, the Supreme named the world after the crystal sphere in which it was cradled, Avlis.

Sound - thunder from backstage

Into this perfect creation, almost by chance, Avlis received a visitor that would shape its history forever to come. The N'Gerai, an evil entity from the depths of the Abyss flew into the crystal sphere on a Spelljamming vessel with nine prisoners.

Their names were; Gorethar, O'Ma, Dru'El, Toran, Mikon, Forian, Valok, Aarilax and Maleki.

Sound - thunder from backstage

With the aid of the Supreme, they escaped, and after a grand battle destroyed the Negerai. Now each of the nine had a differing ethos from the others, each, by the end of the Age of Dawning, had created the races of their primary followers.

Tonight the Gods discuss their peoples and how they can come to enlightenment under each's watch.

Sound - thunder from backstage

-Curtain rise -Stage lights only up

Setting: -We see seated from right to left - Valok, Aarilax, Maleki, Gorethar, Mikon, Toran, Forian, O'Ma and Dru'el.

Mikon: Welcome all, Let us begin our discu.........

  • Sound of bells rings from the lounge area *

From the center curtain, dressed in the holy robes of Dra'Nar Santus approaches the stage.

Santus: Joyous Solstice, Oh great and mighty Nine, I greet thee! I, Santus of Dra'Nar come with a present for thee.


  • glares at santus* How would you like the gift that always gives, The Spite?

Santus: Great and malicious Maleki, you will like this gift. It is a game I humbly call Secret Santus.

Toran: Humbly?

Santus: Yes, yes, it works like this. I have this bag and within the bag there are nine slips, upon which I have inked your most stupendous names. I will give each the chance to draw from the bag and the name you draw is the one you must give a solstice gift to.

Aarilax: Sounds horrid *Aarilax and Maleki share glances and nod to each other with a wink*

O'Ma: No, no this is terrific, it will be great fun!

Dru'el: Fen, Oohevasi za chapash.


  • groans* Come on Dru... common please ... otherwise it will be hisses and clicks from me for the rest of the night...

Mikon: Sheka! *holds up hands* Gentlemen, lets please agree to common tonight, shall we?

Santus: So here we go, I'll walk around and you each take a slip, keep it a secret! *He walks to each and they each reach into the gaily colored bag* Enjoy, Oh great and wise Nine.

Maleki and Aarilax: I really hate that guy... *they smile at each other* jinx!


  • preening* Observant though. Notice how he came to me first?


  • eye rolls* Drink! I need a drink! BARTENDER!

The bartender walks from the lounge down the center aisle.

Bartender: order pad in his hand My Lords *bows obsequiously* May I bring you something to drink?

Gorethar: Galdosian Ale

~other gods blurt out their orders in no order overlapping each other~

O'ma: Something cheerful and fruity Dru'el: T'nanshi Wine Toran: Water Mikon: Milk Forian: Mix it all together, that'll be great *giggles* Valok: Martini, shaken not stirred. Aarilax: Glosht

Maleki: (should be the last order blurted out) Blood of an innocent!


  • bartender's head turns quickly trying to follow all the orders stopping on Maleki*

Oh, I'm sorry M'lord, I don't have any blood of an innocent, would a nice burgundy be alright?

Maleki: Looks at the Bartender with an evil grin and starts to point to him...*raising his finger*

Mikon: Maleki!! Don't do it...


  • Glares at Mikon then waves hand dismissively* Fine then....burgundy *disappointed*

Bartender walks off to bar

Toran: I think we need to proceed in an orderly manner so things will run smoothly. We should each speak that which we want for a solstice gift, perhaps proceeding in alphabetic order...


  • blurting out* I want Elysia

Other gods:

  • roll of eyes* Not this again!

O'Ma: No way, I just got Vanoviel back!

Aarilax: The most holy thing ever created is desire, I desire Elysia you see.

Maleki: But it's a dump!

O'Ma: Hey!!


  • making settle down gestures* Gentlemen please... Aarilax, I don't think you're going to get Elysia.

Dru'el: Knowing what is in one's heart is the key...and Aarliax knows his heart... but Fen *glares from Aarilax* I think Elysia is right out. For me, a nice pipe and a sack of fine mellow will suit my purpose.

Forian: HA! Purpose? There isn't no purpose, nowhere to go, nothing to do, everything that matters is right here, right now. So let's see, how about a little spinning top, it goes and goes and no one knows where it will stop but it goes and goes *giggles* That'd be perfect for me.

Gorethar: I have a fondness for smitin... uh mining and crafting so a fine pickaxe will suit me. Goodness and order take work!

  • a partial nod from Toran*

Maleki: Goodness and order? Nonsense! There is no right no wrong only free will. I'd like a nice...young...

  • looks out at the audience*
  • all the gods cringe*

What? A nice young hen for dinner. *he grins a pointy grin*

Mikon: Gentlemen, Everyone has the right to choose their path in life. All I ask of you is no more measuring scales please. I have more scales than I can possibly use. Maybe a nice bowtie?

O'Ma: I have no personal needs, as the greater need of everyone is the most important thing. I just want peace on Avlis...

The bartender returns with a tray filled with drinks, he walks on stage and serves drinks from behind the gods as they speak. While Toran speaks Forian swaps drinks with him.

Toran: I have always said its simple, Complete and Total Order is required and since my collection is missing key units...Jechranian footsoldiers....Kurathenian Cavalry...Maybe a nice set of toy soldiers to complete it.


  • straightening his cuffs, mostly disinterested* Maybe some nice gold cufflinks, these are so last year.


  • sits there glaring at them all* I've already said what I want..


  • groans*

Aarilax: Fine, how about Ferrell?

Forian: How about we surprise you?

Toran takes a drink of his glass and does a spit take. He hands his mixture to Forian with a sneer.

Toran: I believe this *with contempt* concoction belongs to you. I will take my water.


  • laughs taking his glass back*

Mikon: That will do. Let's get wrapping!

Special effects for wrapping, magical lights and stuff. Except Toran. He folds paper very neatly on his lap with perfect corners.

They all hand gifts to each other and open one at a time.

Gorethar: I got a rock *sadly* Wait! Verlooghlag!

All gods together: COMMON!

Gorethar: That be mithril!


  • opens a shiny pair of cufflinks* Perfect, thank you Toran.
  • Toran nods*

Toran: It is what you asked for.

Forian, laughing to Toran: I am glad you didn't get Aarilax.


  • opens a small block of wood, no markings, no color, just wood*

It's perfect! Look at it spin! *he spins in circles with it*


  • opens a small bag with live hen in it, as it squawks*

I think this is yours *he hands it down to Maleki, who has just opened a little box with wooden soldiers*

Maleki: I don't know, I like these soldiers.

Toran, frowning: Fine. Then I am not sharing your chicken.

Aarilax, shaking a box: Feels too small to be Ferrell but they are small people.

  • opens it to find a little snowglobe with Ferrell scene inside. *

O'Ma laughs, opening: Careful what you wish for, Aarilax. *he opens a bag full of peas, confused*

Aarilax: Shut up, and enjoy your 'peas' on Avlis.

Dru'el: He opens a box with a small green plant and quickly hides it from the children and a nod to Mikon to open his.

Mikon, the last:

  • opens a box and withdraws....* Scales: You shouldn't have. Really.

~Santus returns and gives gifts to the kids!~

  • bells ring again from the lounge and santus again comes down the center aisle with his huge bag...*

Mikon Rises and speaks: Greetings again Santus, We nine thank you for the gift of your game and we all wish you....

All the gods combined: Happy solstice and good night

Mikon: Thus, good night unto you all. And a merry solstice to you, my friends For we nine meant no offend and our gentle merry theme conceals no reprehensible theme The nine only tonight wish That the season bring you...

The Greatest of Gifts

  • curtain down*
  • santus gifts for kids*