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he Noble Houses.

There are several noble houses.

The House of Blackhammer – Monarch, leading noble family The House of Praetlyn – leading Nobles of the General Assembly The House of Rheineg The House of Julian The House of Calnarghy The House of Hammerpaw – Wemic nobility The House of Ter'shada – Wemic nobility

There is also a representative Draconic, Shhallak. He and his family are friends of the leading Blackhammers. Though not a notable noble family, the Blackhammers accepted a Draconic family advisor, and the family retains it's advisory role. Though many of the human nobles think the Dracon family is simply trying to wedge it's way into power, it would outwardly seem they are more interested in furthering the ideals of strict ethics over the more moraly guided humans, and make sure Law is strong.

The Monarch of the Fief follow the title of Grand Duke/Duchess, rather than declaring themselves king or queen. The Leader of the General Assemble of Lords attains the rank of Duke of Pylatea.

The leading family members of the noble lines are:

The House of Blackhammer – Auwenilda Viarra Blackhammer, Grand Duchess. Currently, however, her brother Gabriel Sergius Blackhammer is taking the title of Grand Duke of Pylatea, leading until her return. Her mother, Chrystal Isidora Blackhammer, the 2nd Grand Duchess of Pylatea, abdicated the throne in favour of her daughter, instead prefering to devote her time to finding a suitable husband for the Grand Duchess Auwenilda. The House of Praetlyn – Eupheus Davicus Praetlyn, Representative of the Assembly of Lords of Pylatea, Duke of Pylatea, Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Hammer, 1st Prefect Liandyra, 1st Earl Praetlyn, 1st Viscount Wintercast, 1st Baron Halvia, Knight Grand Commander of the Royal Order of Kuras The House of Rheineg - Benedict Algar Rheineg, Duke of Pylatea, Grand Lord-Commander of Kuraths Reach, Magus Legion, Pylatea The House of Julian - Artair Marcellus Julian, Earl of Pylatea, The most honourable Chief Justice of Pylatea, Sentinel of Pylatea The House of Hammerpaw – Tira Hammerpaw, Pridemother The House of Ter'shada – Jerhima Ter'Shada, pridemother The House of Calnarghy - Domenias Logan Calnarghy, Earl of Pylatea

The previous Grand Duke, Nathan Elliot Blackhammer attained the title after the conquest of Pylatea and the establishment of the capital, Lake Blackhammer. Originally Duke Eupheus Davicus Praetlyn held dominion, but being an established aristocrat meant he needed to place a trusted noble into leadership. He granted Nathan Blackhammer a title of Duke. Duke Blackhammer established the City, Lake Blackhammer, and began active trading with the outlying fiefs, establishing a strong industry in the trade of local resources from the mountains, and quelling the last rebellions among the dominated wemic tribes. He eventually declared himself Grand-Duke of Pylatea, and monarch of the fief. Euphus never challenged the title, and accepted his role as Duke. He did, as a way of snubbing the now ruling Blackhammers, create a General Assembly of the local lords, and he chose the leading noble families, even the two most notable Pridemothers among the wemic tribes.

Grand Duke Nathan Blackhammer maintained control by appealing to the people. His strong devotion to the ideals of both Toran and Gorethar increased his popularity. He was, however, not a skilled diplomat or merchant, relying on his Dracon friend and advisor, Shallak, and secretly relying heavily on his very diplomatically talented wife. One of his many decisions that made him popular, but rather unpopular among the general assembly was to 'donate' almost all of his family wealth to the people of the Pylatea upon his death. This assured that when his wife became Grand Duchess, there would be a strong appeal to keep her in power, and not have power roll down to Euphus, or his family. The Grand Duchess Chrystal almost immediatly abdicated her rule. She realized the plight the family was in. Without wealth to maintain the much needed economy and strong army of Pylatea, they would surly be swept aside by either another noble house, or by a rival Fief lord seeking the strong iron deposits in the mountains. She granted her daugher the rule of Pylatea, and the title of Grand Duchess. She then began her current diplomatic tour seeking a suitable, and by suitable I mean rich, husband to not only maintain the Blackhammer families dominion of Pylatea, but to assure their financial well being.

Nathan also had established a radical system of appointment of heirs after his death. He did it to not only maintain his families strength, but also because he knew his wife was stronger diplomatically and economically than he was. He wanted her to rule after his death, so he made a strong declaration, something that the other noble houses were not nearly as welcoming of.

The new selection of heirs was as follows:

Monarch Widow of the active monarch Eldest Blackhammer Son Eldest Blackhammer Daughter Any Eldest remaining sibling, with no favour given to gender, but to ability and popularity Eldest Niece/nephew of Active monarch - name is changed upon coronation, ties with direct family are removed Eldest Aunt/Uncle of active monarch - name is changed upon coronation, ties with direct family are removed Adoption of the Eldest son or daughter from the most popular of the General Assembly of Lords - name is changed on coronation, ties with direct family are removed

This meant women would be able to retain the power officially and absolutely, even after marriage to a suitable husband!

This caused some strife among the leading families, but garnished a bit more respect from the notable Wemic families. However, Grand Duchess Auwenilda had managed to distinguish herself somewhat, fighting with her brother and father during disputes with bandits, and malekite giantkin raids from the mountaintops. She had gained the diplomatic skills from her mother, however, and not the build of a soldier.

Nathan had asked that his son and daughter take a pilgramige to further develop their beleifs in Toran and Gorethar, in Law and righteousness. They would return after their pilgramage to the south was complete, and be properly ready to take the throne after the death of their mother.

Of course, this couldn't happen because of the abdication of the title. Auwenilda still wanted to honour her fathers request however, and left on a pilgramige, giving her brother the title of 2nd Grand Duke. He would run the fief until her return.

Many of the noble families were happy with this, assuming that Auwenilda would probably not survive the pilgramige. This would put the male heir, Gabriel, in the seat of power permenantly.

However, because there is no way to assure this, the noble families within the General Assembly have ralllied under Duke Euphus to try and manipulate the Grand Duke Gabriel Blackhammer to convince him to try and change the law and keep the throne after his sisters return. The outcome of these political challenges has yet to be seen.

Of course, this internal instability does not bode well for the Fiefs image interally throughout the Empire. The diplomatic travels of the Lady Chrystal, Auwenildas mother, are the only real voice trying to maintain Pylateas good standing.