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Revision as of 03:07, 19 April 2006 by Pincushionman (talk | contribs)
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Pincushionman joined the Avlis community in March of 2005, in search of a free massively-multiplayer gaming experience based on more than "the grind." He chose Avlis because of the rich RP emphasis, the wealth of information presented on the messageboards, and the ability to play a lizard character. For some reason, he just loves lizard characters.

He can be contacted via Private Message here.

The Player

In Brief

pincushionman's humble abode.

Pincushion plays out of Wichita, KS, where he lives with his wife (who does not play Avlis), a cat and a puppy who constantly fight for "mommy's" attention, and a parakeet that is afraid of fingers. He works as a structural engineer for an aircraft parts company. Between his work schedule, satiating the needs of those listed above, and home improvement, his Avlis playtime is limited mainly to weekends, and a night or two a week, but he certainly enjoys playing when he can.

The handle "pincushionman" is derived from the fact that pincushionman's mild-mannered alter ego has Type I diabetes, resulting in the need for him to inject himself several times a day. Sounds like pincushion to him.

Favorite Things


Minesweeper. Followed closely by Scorched Earth. What? Not Avlis?


Famous Dave's Bar-b-Q Half Slab (that's six ribs for those who are counting) rib dinner with Wilbour beans and an extra corn muffin. MM-MMM! Dinner for two nights!


American football. Which he does not play. Jammed fingers. Every. Single. Time.


...His wife! C'mon, people!

The Characters


A Shaahesk, with all the orneriness and bad manners that come with it.

Suuhoroh came to M'Chek near the end of the M'Chek-T'Nanshi war, after living for almost three years with an estranged Shaahesk hunting party before the band broke up due to a power struggle. Arriving in Mikona, he quickly allied himself with Warmaster Rhissaerk Jalesh and his retinue of warriors, but soon sought more stable employ independent of his kinsmen from Drotid, which he found in the Avlis Arms and Armor Association. He is now a Journeyman armorwright and an assistant recruitment officer for the Mikona branch of the guild.

Bgark (Silver-Furs)


Contributions to Avlis

pincushionman has modified the lizardman model used in Avlis to display equipped shields. It can be found here. As an override hak, place the .mdl file in your override directory.