Mikona:Recent Events
Recent Events in Mikona and M'Chek
This page will attempt to summarize the basics of various events that have taken place in Mikona and M'Chek since the servers came online.
In editing this, please try to keep it in rough chronological order, and to keep it factual. And remember, just as on the boards, all information here can be taken as known in character, so don't post anything that you don't want known as common knowledge.
- (01/12/06) The M'Chekian army begins recruitment again. - M'Chek begins a project of farming portions of the underdark. The M'Chekian army announces it will be recruiting for the first time since the war's end in order to aid this project.
- (12/05/05) Kai'ral Windspar forms a wemic pride - Though they aren't based in M'Chek necessarily, much of their activity takes place there as it is Kai'ral's home.
- (11/09/05) Jand de la Fleur's banishment is lifted. Accused of treason during the war, he is allowed back into M'Chek after his case is reviewed.
- (05/11/04) A joint coalition is able to discover a cure for the plague. Those involved include Moira Windspar, Corporal Tivn Dimbzig and Frigate Captain Ayren Milen.
- (04/29/05)A dreaded plague that has been thus far confined to Elysia spreads to M'Chek. The M'Chekian army declares that one of T'Nanshi's officers (a "Trethlawn Brother") is responsible for this deed. The plague, now no longer containd by Elysia's walls, quickly spreads to T'Nanshi as well. Military operations on both sides all but cease as thousands die.
- (04/21/05) The Alpha Corps organizes an operation to secure Blandenberg for M'Chekian settlers. This unprecedented operation involves capturing the village, securing it, then handing it over to neutral parties to settle as they will. Of the neutral parties involved, only the Church of Mikon, as represented by Moira Celyn, accepts responsibility for the settlement. The Blandenberg Protectorate is born. Despite T'Nanshi's rejection of the proposal, they do not attack the settlement, and it grows into what becomes the Blandenberg Protectorate.
- (04/17/05) Drotid signs a ceasefire with T'Nanshi and Elysia - Many in M'Chek are outraged that their ally would leave the war, and fear the wrath of the northern armies which have been freed by this treaty.
- (04/13/05) Plans are made to allow M'Chekians to relocate to Visimontium - This city, far to the north is designed as a Magocracy, to be populated by M'Chekians who have fled from the war.
- (04/10/05) Rhissaerk Jalesh's punishment in Elysia is complete. He returns to M'Chek and is granted his place back in the army.
- (04/02/05) The Alpha Corps' new public relations department begins making public announcements of battles. - The first announcement concerns the victorious defense of the remnants of the Village of Blandenberg.
- (03/31/05) General Marcus Deth is raised from the dead and resumes his place as War Comissioner of M'Chek.
- (03/22/05) Rhissaerk Jalesh is extradited to Elysia for crmies against their city. Questions are raised whether the extradition of the "Slayer of Vanoviel" have political motives.
- (03/12/05) The Canvas Affair - A raid on the Canvas by the Sword of Toran leads to the expulsion of its owners from M'Chek, along with the expulsion of the Church of Angadar, and several of its allies. Prominent names among those found guilty include Amonien Amana, Tennira Arknheld, Lisa Kler, Jand le Fleure, and Houseman Kered Rose (who is stripped of his house seat). Houseman Rose is later cleared of these charges and granted his seat back.
- (02/01/05) The Blandenberg Hospital is destroyed by terrorists.
- (01/06/05) The Wardens of M'Chek are founded - This group is subordinate to the Sword of Toran, acting to restore M'Chek's lands and keep them peaceful.
- (12/18/04) After much agression between the two nations, M'Chek and Elysia finally declare war.
- (12/09/04) A formal treaty is finally made with Tollgaroth. - This will later lead to military support by the giants.
- (12/04/04) The Council of Balance is publically attacked for supposedly aiding Elysia. - They vow that if war comes between the two nations, they will side with M'Chek.
- (11/28/04) Revelations about the nature of the M'Chek-Drotid alliance heighten tensions between M'Chek and Elysia. Specifically, evidence is purported to exist showing the desire of M'Chek to aid Drotid in destroying Elysia.
- (10/31/04) High Reaver Kellid D'Prey begins motions to come to a formal treaty with Tollgaroth.
- (10/26/04) High Commands on both sides of the war institute a policy of fining civilians in the warzone, as the battles begin to escalate.
- (10/21/04) It becomes clear that Mikona's ice caves are inhabited by powerful undead - These undead make an attempt to slay Tollgaroth's giants, but are thwarted with the aid of the city. Once again, there is an uneasy alliance between Tollgaroth and Mikona.
- (10/07/04) War Comissioner Marcus Deth is assassinated. He is replaced by General Tharius Grumbald, a relation of Lord Donie Grumbald.
- (09/11/04) The Gentleman apparently returns to M'Chek.
- (08/15/03) The Sword of Toran announces a deputy program - This program allows non-affiliated citizens to aid the Sword in the elite branch of M'Chek's law enforcement. This priveledge is later extended under the M'Chekian Guards.
- (08/14/04) The undead child Joriah begins to cause trouble with the fire giants. Specifically, he begins to agitate them against Mikona.
- (08/10/04) Mikona begins an open alliance with the church of Titania - This brings some anger from Elysia, which has been battling the Titanians recently.
- (07/31/04) Mikona's infamous "Village Crypt" is cleansed of undeath - This long-term project of the Temple of Dagath was finally completed by Jadrienne Starfire and members of the church.
- (07/17/04) M'Chek enters into an alliance with Drotid in its war against T'Nanshi. Captain Jake Bentsen of the Alpha Corps gives a famous speech on the matter.
- (07/14/04) The Gentleman's minions are apparently at work again. They attempt to slay Lord Derrington, and in response he holds a public meetins, giving information about his role in the destruction of the Gentleman.
- (06/21/04) The Blandenberg Ferry is destroyed. This vital travel lane from M'Chek to T'Nanshi is destroyed by T'Nanshi soldiers.
- (06/01/04) The frozen dead (numbering 2000) are placed in the ice caves for storage while the city finds room to bury them. Necromancers begin using this as a supply of corpses.
- (05/23/04) The cold is ended by an outside group. -Blame is placed at the feet of the Mikonians who, " made and broke promises, pranced around arguing," rather than solving the problem. (A good accounting of Mikona in the lich->ice age times is given here)
- (05/17/04) It becomes apparent that the ice giants have a machine that is creating this weather. The city seeks an alliance with Tollgaroth in this, but he refuses, since his aid against Sorvanok was spurned by Kharak Hammerstar.
- (05/11/03) General Marcus Deth is appointed as the new war comissioner of M'Chek
- (05/05/04) Frost giant attacks on Mikona begin
- (04/27/04) War Comissioner Dard Blake Dies - Dard Blake, M'Chek's war comissioner is found to be involved in slave trade. He commits suicide rather than face justice.
- (04/27/04) Kered Rose appointed to the common house of M'Chek.
- (04/20/04) Intense cold strikes Mikona. Snows begin to fall and not abate. No one is certain yet of the cause.
- (04/18/04) Sorvanok Defeated - The Lich Sorvanok who resided deep in the underdark below Mikona, and who sought godhood is finally defeated by the cooperation of scores of adventurers. A momnument comemmorating this is erected outside the City's gates. Notable at the time: Tollgaroth is turned away from the assault by Kharak Hammerstar, a member of the Order of Gorethar.
- (04/07/04) Sorvanok's minions begin massed assaults on the temples of Mikona. This serves as a call to those who oppose him to act immediately.
- (03/19/04) Sorvanok's minions begin displaying priest-like powers. This leads many to speculate that the lich may be near his goal of ascention.
- (02/08/04) Fulfordis and his ice giants are found to be in league with Sorvanok. This leads to another attempt at a truce with Tollgaroth, since he has no desire to be destroyed by the lich.
- (01/31/04) Cha'reth ascends.
- (01/19/04) The recipe for Bloodsmoke Infusion is found - This new and potent cure for the spite means the disease is no longer a threat to non-elven victims.
- (01/12/04) The Gentleman is destroyed.
- (01/06/04) A hospital opens in Blandenberg - In the temple of O'Ma in the ruins Blandenberg village (now a battlefield), a hospital is opened jointly by clergy of O'Ma and Dru'el.
- (01/02/04) Sorvanok steps up his attacks on Mikona - Rather than merely attacking the city in retribution for raids on his lair, Sorvanok begins preparations to raze Mikona and ascend to godhood.
- (12/07/03) The city of Mikona is quarantined due to an extreme outbreak of the Spite.
- (11/15/03) The Church of Dagath learns how to cleanse a crypt, thus making it useless to The Gentlemen for recruitment of his undead minions.
- (09/31/03) woman known as Meisha or "mistress" begins attacking M'Chekian nobles.
- (09/18/03) Tollgaroth attacks Mikona again - As will become a repeated theme in Mikonian history, Tollgaroth's promise of a truce is broken. Many question whether it is his nature to do so, or if Mikonian adventurers broke the truce first.
- (09/15/03) First indication that Tollgaroth may be willing to come to terms with Mikona - As Mikona is suffering from Sorvanok's assaults as well as Sereg raids, many are hopeful of this possibility.
- (09/12/03) Lanessa Leaves M'Chek - The Legion of Darkness apparently ceases to exist along with her.
- (09/10/03) The infamous "Gentleman" is first sighted in M'Chek. He attacks travellers seemingly at random.
- (08/29/03) [1] The Sereg return to Mikona, along with the spite.]
- (07/15/03) Despite claiming neutrality in the struggle for the vortex of chaos, struggle within Mikona results in a state of war between the Ebony Order of the Moon, and the Order of Gorethar and the Hands of Dru'el.
- (07/14/03) As the magi of Avlis struggle over the Vortex, Mikona outlaws all conflicts within its walls.
- (06/27/03) Damar Ogdem banished from M'Chek - For trespassing in Sorvanok's lair.
- (06/17/03) The Order of Gorethar has its right to enforce M'Chekian laws revoked. The Sword of Toran replaces them as an elite law enforcement organization.
- (06/05/03) Hugar returns to M'Chek - A task force is formed of adventurers to thwart her schemes.
- (05/31/03) "Demon Prince Nastassiou" destroyed - Lanessa claims that this will put an end to the vampire threat to M'Chek, and the Legion of Darkness will now operate independently of them. Shortly thereafter, Lanessa's banisment is lifted
- (04/15/03) Yet another strange disease descends on M'Chek. - This time, it apparently is related to the vampire infestation.
- (04/13/03) Lanessa nas T'jarra expelled from M'Chek.
- (04/10/03) Tollgaroth's giants first attack Mikona in force - Their plan is to apparently crush the M'Chekian capital in the hopes of stopping M'Chekian resistance to another giant army from the north.
- (04/09/03) It becomes clear that the Legion of Darkness is in league with the vampires spotted around Mikona (although they insist upon being called "vampyres"). Several break free from their pact with the Legion and Lenessa and begin preying on Mikonians. Cynics claim that this is the Legion's will.
- (03/19/03) Frequent Vampire sightings begin in M'Chek and in particular in Mikona.
- (03/13/03) Legion of Darkness founded in M'Chek - The aptly named Legion of Darkness is founded by Lanessa nas T'jarra as an organization for those "with darkness in their hearts." They declare themselves violently opposed to the Order of Gorethar.
- (03/04/03) Order of Valok founded in Mikona, by Fyren Tennimar.
- (02/28/03) The Sereg'wethrin Spite first strikes M'Chek
- (02/24/03) The Sereg'wethrin are spotted in Mikona - The Sereg'wethrin, a devious breed of elf bred for the destruction of all humans, are soptted in Mikona. It soon becomes obvious that this is more than an isolatet incident and the city is in grave peril.
- (02/11/03) Order of O'Ma founded by Delen Lomar.
- (02/01/03) Lanessa nas T'jarra arrives in Mikona - She will later become infamous as the leader of a group of vampires.
- (01/26/03) Dunster Commons Assaulted by a man named Sigmar Heldenhammer and his followers, who wear the sign of a fist. After being denounced by M'Chek as a mercenary band, this group soon dissolves.
- (01/20/03) T'Nanshi terrorists "E.L.F." attack Mikona
- (01/17/03) Trials of Alladorn and Cuxn Alladorn is not guilty of treason, but of lying to an officer. He recieves a sentence of 100.000 gold pieces and one week labor. Cuxn is found not guilty of treason, but guilty of murdering several M'Chekan soldiers, and sentenced to death.
- (01/15/03) Order of Gorethar Founded - The Order of Gorethar is founded by Lord Vian, Arch Paladin of Gorethar. Though technically based in Elysia, many membrs choose to reside in M'Chek.
- (01/14/03) The Vigil, a vigilante group seeking to "protect M'Chekians" is first spotted in M'Chek.
- (12/15/02) Alladorn taken into custody - Alladorn Echindar is captured and held for an impending trial for treason against M'Chek.
- (12/13/02) Cuxn taken into custody - Cuxn Starfire's bounty is collected by Peregryne Twostep. Cuxn is held for an impending trial for treason against M'Chek.
- (12/04/02) Alladorn and Cuxn wanted for Treason - A bounty of 200,000 gold is placed for the capture or deaths of Alladorn Echindar and Cuxn Starfire, for treason against M'Chek.
- (12/02/02) Sorvanok attacks Mikona - The Lich Sorvanok launchs what is to be the first of many assaults on Mikona in retaliation for adventurers raiding his lair.
- (09/??/02) Hugar begins wreaking havok in M'Chek.
Since translating real life dates to Avlis dates is notoriously strange, I've prefaced each event with the approximate RL date it occured, or was posted about. This will help keep this somewhat in chronological order.
Missing info
- Ending of the Hugar plot
- "Valley of Death"--the first huge Sereg event.
- Ending of "the mistress"/Meisha plot.
- More info on the Gentleman's demise.