Avlis Wiki:Coyote

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Creature Name: Coyote

Observations by: Malulani jael "MJ" MacMurray

Creature Type: Animal

Creature Subtype: Canine

CTS trainable: Not yet (researching).


The Coyote is a clever animal that most of the nomadic tribes I've encountered consider to be the spirit animal of tricksters and jokers.

Feeding Habits

The coyote primarily is a meat eater of small rodents, however they are also opportunistic in eating berries, fish and carrion.

Disposition and Social Habits

Outside of a mother raising kits or siblings that have not yet parted ways, the coyote is mostly a loner.


The one I know lives in Geritrie forest, but my observations have lead me to believe that they are very clever and would be very adaptable to many climates, including living surprisingly close to human habitation.


Most compatible: Dire Wolf

  • The coyote like the Dire Wolf tends to travel on its own unless it is a mother with kits or siblings that have not yet parted ways.

Other notes

None listed.