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Power Score: Con –2
Cost: 20
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: Adrenaline Control
Required For: None
Some psionicists are able to drastically alter their own metabolisms, doubling their speed for short periods of time. A character using accelerate is effectively hasted for the power’s duration.

Adrenaline Control

Power Score: Con –3 Cost: 12 Discipline: Psychometabolism Range: 0 Area of Effect: Personal Duration: 1 turn / level Save: None Prerequisites: None Required For: Complete Healing, Accelerate By controlling the production and release of adrenaline in his system, the psionicist can give himself a temporary physical boost on demand. When he increases his adrenaline, the character gains 1d4 points in his strength, dexterity, and constitution scores.


Power Score: Con –2
Cost: 10
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
Biofeedback is the ability to control the flow of blood through one’s own body. This power has two key effects. First, the psionicist can easily control bleeding. As a result, he suffers five fewer points of damage from any physical attack against him. Second, by flooding key portions of his body with blood, the psionicist effectively cushions blows against him and reduces their effect. The character’s armor class is improved by one.


Power Score: Con -2
Cost: 8
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
A character using this power always seems to land gracefully on his feet. This grants him a 5 point bonus to tumbling and makes him nearly impossible to knockdown.

Cause Sleep

Power Score: Wis -2
Cost: 11
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: Medium
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: 3 rounds +1 round / level
Save: Will: Negates
Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
A psionicist with this power can cause other people to fall asleep by manipulating their natural rhythms. The victim receives a will save versus mind spells to avoid the effect. If the victim fails the saving throw, he remains asleep until awakened by injury or until the duration expires.

Cell Adjustment

Power Score: Con –3
Cost: 12
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: Touch
7 Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: Complete Healing, Metamorphosis, Ectoplasmic Form, Regenerate
Cell adjustment allows the psionicist to heal any sort of wound or disease. 1d8 points plus 2 points per level are healed and any diseases are removed by the touch of a hand.

Chameleon Power

Power Score: Con –1
Cost: 10
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: Displacement
The psionicist using this power actually changes the coloration of his skin, clothing, and equipment to match his background. In effect, it makes him very difficult to spot, providing a 10 point bonus to hide and move silently checks.

Complete Healing

Power Score: Con
Cost: 30
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Prerequisites: Adrenaline Control, Cell Adjustment
Required For: None
The psionicist who has mastered this power can heal himself of all wounds in a very short period of time. He places himself in a deep trance, so deep that it cannot be broken prematurely once entered. As he uses this power his body is repairing itself at an incredible rate. At the end of the trance, he awakens, restored to full health.

Death Field

Power Score: Con –8
Cost: 40
8 Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 10 m. radius
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: Fortitude: Half
Prerequisites: Life Draining
Required For: None
A death field is a life-sapping region of negative energy. A successful death field takes its toll on everyone inside it, including the psionicist. Upon initiating the power, he sacrifices half of his hit points. If the power works, the loss is inevitable; he gets no saving throw. Every other living thing in the field must make a fortitude saving throw against negative energy or suffer 1d6 damage per 2 levels of the psionicist, to a maximum of 10d6. Even those save suffer half damage.


Power Score: Con –3
Cost: 12
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: Chameleon Power
Required For: None
This power resembles the displacer beast’s natural ability to make himself appear to be up to 3 feet from his actual location. The psionicist gains 50% concealment, making him very difficult to attack.

Ectoplasmic Form

Power Score: Con –4
Cost: 18
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: Cell Adjustment
Required For: None
With this power a psionicist converts himself to ectoplasm. He becomes insubstantial, ghostlike, and able to walk through creatures as if they didn’t exist. He is beyond the sensory range of most creatures. 9

Enhanced Strength

Power Score: Wis -3
Cost: Varies
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: Strength of the Land
A psionicist can increase his physical strength score up to a maximum of 18 through use of this power. The cost is the difference between his current strength and 18.

Flesh Armor

Power Score: Con –3
Cost: 12
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
The psionicist transforms his own skin into armor. He gains 2 AC +1 per 2 levels to a maximum of 7. Because this armor is part of his body, the psionicist can enjoy its benefits without suffering any penalty he might have if he were actually wearing armor.

Lend Health

Power Score: Con –1
Cost: 5
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
10 Lend health is a power of healing. The psionicist can transfer a percentage of his own hit points to someone else he is touching. He can transfer 10%, 25%, 50%, or 80% of his hit points in a single round.

Life Draining

Power Score: Con –3
Cost: 9
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Fortitude: Negates
Prerequisites: None
Required For: Death Field
With this power, a psionicist can drain hit points from another character and use them to recover his own. The rate is 1d6 plus 1 point per level. A successful saving throw prevents the transfer. Note that channeling life energy from the undead could have disastrous results.


Power Score: Con –6
Cost: 25
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / 2 levels
Save: None
Prerequisites: Cell Adjustment
Required For: None
This power resembles polymorphing. The psionicist can change himself into things with roughly the same mass as his body. Options include: bear, umber hulk, giant spider, and troll.


Power Score: Con
Cost: 11
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 round / level
Save: None
11 Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
A psionicist can gain energy and rejuvenation from the energy of the sun by using this power. As long as he is outdoors and the sun is out, he will heal up to3 hit points every half round for as long as the power lasts.


Power Score: Con –4
Cost: 24
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / level
Save: None
Prerequisites: Cell Adjustment
Required For: None
With this power the psionicist can repair injuries much faster than natural healing. He regenerates 2 hit points every round for the duration of the spell.

Strength of the Land

Power Score: Con -2
Cost: 18
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 turn / 2 levels
Save: None
Prerequisites: Enhanced Strength
Required For: None
This power lets the psionicist tap into the strength of the land itself. This grants the user a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well as 25 bonus hit points, and +5 to spell resistance.