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Welcome Dhocott!

Willem Lightheart

General Information

Tissa's Test Server

You can delete anything you are not interested in, and add notes to the things you want to start on.

Task one

you might want to take a quick look at this link Wiki editing help to see the way text is entered into the wiki. (You don't need to read it, I will try to explain everything an answer any question you have)

Start by just clicking the edit tab and adding notes about the note system to this page. If you get a chance to test put your remarks here as well.

Note System Test

When you read the note, there is no formatting of the text.

For example, I enter many short lines of a song separating the verses with a blank line. When examining the note the text is continuous without the breaks. The in game notes allow for this type of formatting. Every [Talk] or [Whisper] is a new line on the note, and for a blank line entering a blank space works IG.

I like the fact that you can add to an existing note, but the page filled up quickly. I know we don’t want books written, but the current one would not allow a five verse song/poem with six lines per verse.

I had to redip the quill after two lines to keep the level up. Maybe a little more life out of the ink would be nice.

I will add more comments later. It is late.