Ferrell: Recent Events

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Demons in Ferrell

  • (May 29, 2008): Old Rift Cave cleared of demons and flooded in the process.
  • (May 06, 2008): Shaahesk warband moves through Ferrell.
  • (February 28, 2008): F.E.A.T. makes arrangements to place planer deadbolts in the Old Rift Cave with the help of the O.o.G. and several mage orders.
  • (Feb 14, 2008): Clairs's Boutique closes and is reopened as Bahlawkwa Fashions More
  • (Aug 13, 2007): A small earthquake near Kityana Hill. More
  • (Jul 10, 2007): The Solar Brigade tries to destroy Clarence the Lich from Jechran.More
  • (Jun 25, 2007): It is Blue Ferrell Crab mating season again. More
  • (Jun 19, 2007): The Solar Brigade finds Clarence the Lich from Jechran in Ifernia's tower with possible ties to the demon invasion and/or Se'Fassu. More
  • (May 19, 2007): Demons spotted in the Rift Cave in Ferrell. More
  • (May 19, 2007): Tremors felt in Ferrell. More

Children of The Dreadlord

  • (Mar 10, 2007): FEAT and the Children of the Dreadlord clash in Huntington Creek. More
  • (Feb 15, 2007): Children of the Dreadlord openly hunt members of FEAT. More
  • (Feb 09, 2007): Shards begin to show up in Ferrell. More
  • (Feb 02, 2007): Ferrell sees the circus. (http://www.avlis.org/viewtopic.php?f=170&t=90560 More)
  • (Feb 02, 2007): The Council of Elders agrees to help the High Mage Council Capture members of Turiva Ilnuru if they show themselves in Ferrell. More
  • (Jan 18, 2007): Demon spotted in the old Rift Cave More
  • (Jan 12, 2007): Orcs in the Southlands More
  • (Jan 11, 2007): Unsolved murder. More

Lifeblighters Return

  • (Jan 08, 2007): Strange creatures in the underburrows. More
  • (Jan 08, 2007): Lifeblighters attack Port Eridanus. More
  • (Dec 24, 2006): Lifeblighters and demons attack around Ferrell. More
  • (Dec 16, 2006): Elusive Ferrellian Beaver Spotted More
  • (Dec 10, 2006): Council of Elders tries to detain and question members of Turiva Ilnuru. More

The Demon Racoon

  • (Dec 09, 2006) The tale of Bruno Knotslinger and the Demon Racoon. More
  • (Dec 02, 2006): Unexplained murder. More
  • (Nov 02, 2006): Bandits stopped. More
  • (Oct 31, 2006): Demon raccoon attack. More
  • (Oct 11, 2006): Demon raccoon Strikes again. More
  • (Oct 04, 2006): Demon raccoon spotted More
  • (Sep 28, 20060: Things stirring in Ferrell. More
  • (Sep 27, 200): Murder Most foul. More
  • (Sep 18, 2006): Rift Monument raised to honor the heroes of Ferrell. More
  • (Sep 08, 2006): Rare fox sighting More

Orc Attacks

  • (Aug 31, 2006): Orcs and Goblins in Huntingcreek! More
  • (Aug 11, 2006): A call to arms against the orcs. More
  • (Aug 11, 2006): Orcs strike against Grunts Trading Post. More
  • (Aug 06, 2006): Lifeblighters at the Port. More
  • (Aug 06, 2006): Orc's Attack Kityana Hill and the Heartlands. More
  • (Jul 29 2006): Orcs from the north attack Ferrell. More
  • (Jul 22, 2006): A horrific murder. More

After the Rift War

  • (May 01, 2006): Balor cruises around Ferrell More
  • (Mar 29, 2006): The Ferrell Exploration and Adventuring Troupe, The Order of Gorethar and the Freelancers Of Beyrn are recognized by the Council of Elders as the Friends of Ferrell, able to act in cohesion in defense of Ferrell.
  • (Jan 18, 2006): Se'Fassu has ensnared some of the Salt Clan to help with the building of a tower somewhere in Meygle Pass.
  • Spring of 2168 A.O.D.(Jan 17, 2006): Lifeblighters spotted in Meygle Pass More
  • Spring of 2166 A.O.D.: Lifeblighter attack upon Claire’s Boutique.

Rift War

  • Spring of 2154 A.O.D.: Shadow Rift Closed and collapses in on itself. Se'Fassu's location unknown.
  • Spring of 2152 A.O.D.: Lifeblighters spotted in Ferrell.
  • Fall of 2148 A.O.D. to Spring of 2154 A.O.D: Rift War. Kidnapping of Laurelin.More
  • Fall of 2148 A.O.D.: The Battle of the Southlands. Stirrings of undead from Rift. Undead invasion of Ferrell. Rift temporarily sealed using powder kegs.More

A Plague

  • Winter of 2145 A.O.D.: Plague Cured.
  • Fall of 2144 A.O.D: Plague continues to spread, being reported in M’Chek, and T’Nanshi. First reports of possible cure.
  • Summer of 2144 A.O.D.: Plague strikes Elysia. Cause is traced to water infected with negative energy. First recent reports of undead beneath Ferrell, serving Se’Fassu. Se’Fassu involved in spread of plague? Possible Malekite involvement.

Before Ferrell

  • Unknown: Rift is sealed with a ward at unknown time and by parties unknown.
  • ~1980 years ago: Community abandoned and undead takes over and corrupts holy grounds. Rift to shadowed realms opened by Se’Fassu, lord of these undead.
  • ~2000 years ago: A natural cavern was breached at some point and within 2 years there were constant battles between the priests and warriors of the community and the undead hordes.
  • Approximately 2000 years ago: Prior to founding of Ferrell, the area was home to a thriving temple of Gorethar and a dwarven mining community More