Guild:The M'Chekian Guards

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A brief history of the Guards

When the war was drawing to an end, Dala Wennen, the commander of the Alpha Corps, saw the need for a new police unit to keep the peace in M'Chek. Pending approval from the central command, Wennen created the M'Chekian Guards first as a subsection of the Alpha Corps, headed by Lieutenant Magnus Khan. The Guards were given control over the defensive operations in M'Chek, something that previously had been assigned to the department of Combat Operations.

Before long offical word came from the central command that Wennes plans had been approved. As a reward for years of service and bloodshed for the their country, those in the Alpha Corps that were willing to join the Guards were automatically enrolled once the war was over, they were also allowed to keep a rank equivalent to the one they had in the Alpha Corps.

Alignment: Any. If the PC with his attitude, actions and behaviour is deemed fit by the Senior Officers to become a Law Enforcer of M'Chek, it matters little which God he worships.

Base of operations: M'Chek

How to contact us: Look for the men and women in snazzy looking black/blue armors, fashionable shoulder pads and dark grey capes. Or leave a note for one of the Senior Officers.

What we do: The M'Chekian Guards are the Law Enforcers of M'Chek and we also conduct Special Operations for the Government. We answer directly to Lady Finmaegen and the Joint Houses of M'Chek. We bring criminals to swift justice, charm the local maidens, safe the Nation from [insert whatever] and drink keg upon keg of really cheap ale.

What to expect: We give all our members some leeway when it comes to how to enforce the Law. IC actions have IC consequences, though, so if a Guard behaves in an unacceptable manner, he should not expect to be a Guard for long. There is a strict hierarchy of rank, but also excellent opportunities for advancement for the ambitious and active PCs.

This ain't the Army, so those only looking for some good ol' CvC would probably find themselves disappointed. Guards are required to swear allegiance to the Nation, the M'Chekian Guards and the Commanding Officer when finishing their training period and becoming full Guards. Hence, this should be an acceptable thing for your PC to do.

Hopefully, the diversity of the Guard PCs should ensure great fun, both within the Guards and when interacting with other PCs. Template:Guild