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Metapsionics (tabular overview) consists of a variety of advanced powers, often difficult and costly to perform. A psion who specializes in this discipline is known as a savant.
Power Score: Con
Cost: 0
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Prerequisites: 5th Level
Required For: None
This power allows the psionicist to cannibalize their own body for PSPs. When it is used, they convert one constitution point directly into 20 PSPs. Immunity to ability score damage prevents this power from working.
Psionic Residue
Power Score: Wis -3
Cost: 4
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Prerequisites: 5th Level
Required For: None
Whenever thinking beings pass through an area, they leave a residue of psionic energy which permeates the vicinity. With this power, the psionicist is able to harvest 7d8 PSPs worth of this latent energy and add it to their own PSP total. They are only able to do this infrequently though as the energies take time to replenish themselves. Generally an area's latent energies will replenish enough to fully harvest every 7 (RL) minutes.
Psionic Vampirism
Power Score: Wis -3
Cost: 5
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: Short
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will: Half
Save DC: 12 + 1/2 Psion Level + WIS Modifier
Prerequisites: Psychic Drain
Required For: None
With this power, the psionicist can drain psionic strength points from one psionic mind directly into their own. The target suffers 1d4 points of PSP “damage" per level of the psionicist (save for half, capped at level 20). This power requires the Psion to have broken through the other Psion's mental defenses before use. A target drained to 0 PSP risks being rendered unconscious should they fail a fortitude save.
Psychic Blade (Power Stone Only)
Power Score: Con -2
Cost: 21
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 Turn/Psi level
Save: None
Prerequisites: Stone Only, not a selectable power
Required For: None
With this power, the psionicist creates a semi-tangible manifestation of their psychic attack that is shaped like a sword and can be wielded as a weapon in combat. The power of the blade grows as the psionicist progresses.
This power will always manifest a scimitar, in the right hand. The weapon cannot be traded, and will unmanifest if unequipped. It CAN be enchanted by spells.
Psi Lvl Cleave Feat on Weapon Enhancement Bonus Massive Crit On-hit: Stun 1 Yes None No No 5 Yes +1 No No 10 Yes +2 2d6 No 15 Yes +3 2d6 No 20 Yes +4 2d6 DC14/50% 25 Yes +5 2d6 DC16/50% 30 Yes +6 2d6 DC20/50% 35 Yes +7 2d6 DC26/50% 40 Yes +8 2d6 DC26/50%
Psychic Clone
Power Score: Wis -6
Cost: 50
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 Minute/2 Levels
Save: None
Prerequisites: 5th Level, Clairvoyance/Clairaudiance
Required For: None
When this power is initiated, an ectoplasmic clone of the psionicist steps out of their body. It is under the psion's control, but the dividing of the mind to control both bodies renders the psion unable to dominate other creatures while the clone is in existence.
Psychic Drain
Power Score: Wis -6
Cost: 10
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: Short
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: Special
Save: Will
Prerequisites: 6th Level, Contact
Required For: Psionic Vampirism
Psychic drain allows the psionicist to tap into the personal, psychic energy of other people. The target must be stunned, dazed, sleeping or immobilized, and of reasonable intelligence (>10). Once a link is established, the psion drains points from the host's intelligence, wisdom, and/or constitution to fuel some or all of the cost of their next manifested powers. Maintaining the link is mentally demanding, however, and only lasts for a short time. For the same reason, this power can only be used infrequently. If the psion exercises moderation, they does not harm their host, but a target drained of more than 3 ability points has a chance of breaking free from the link. A willing target (same faction as the psion) receives no save.
Power Score: Wis -5
Cost: Varies
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1 Gem
Duration: Permanent
Save: None
Prerequisites: 5th Level
Required For: None
This power allows the psionicist to store psionic energy in a gemstone. Only gems have the right resonance to store psionic strength points, the purer the better. (Ritual gem stones used in Artificing are also suitable). When they use this power, the psionicist forces some of their own PSPs into the matrix of the gem. The Psion is only able to store up to their own max PSP's inside gems. These gems are also quite fragile due to the massive energy stored inside and run a chance of shattering after the Psion retrieves their energy from it. Only the Psion that stored the power within the gems is able to use it. A Psion may also use this power to draw energy from Power Stones, emptying the stone of its stored manifestations for 2d10 + lvl/2 PSP.
Stasis Field
Power Score: Int -8
Cost: 45
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Duration: 1 Round + 1 Round/10 Levels
Save: None
Prerequisites: 17th Level, Time Shift
Required For: None
A stasis field is a region in which time seems to slow to a crawl. Time within the field seems to come to a complete halt for all except the psionicist that created it for 1 + Psionicist lvl / 10 seconds. This power takes much focus and the Psion needs 3 rounds before they are able to manifest the power another time.
Power Score: Wis -10
Cost: 75
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 30-Foot Radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will: Negates
Save DC: 10 + 1/2 Psion Level + WIS Modifier
Prerequisites: 10th level, Psionic Blast
Required For: None
A character using psionic ultrablast can overwhelm and damage nearby psyches. To do this, they casts horrid thought waves in all directions. All those within range must make a Will saving throw or become rendered unconscious from the trauma. Even those that save suffer 6d3 points of damage. Those who fail, suffer points of damage equivalent to 6d3 + Psion Level and are knocked out for 1-4 turns. This is a very taxing power on the Psion and they have a chance of passing out from the strain of releasing the energy.
ACP chat options allow to preset the outcome to stun (disable), vs. kill (damage). If used in kill (damage) mode, the ultrablast functions as described. If used in stun (disable) mode, the target will suffer no damage. In addition, stun (disable) mode subjects the target to two Will Saves. On failing the first, the target is rendered unconscious. On failing the second Will Save, the target will suffer a Fear effect for 1-4 rounds.
Power Score: Wis -4
Cost: 15
Discipline: Metapsionics
Range: Medium
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 Round + 1 Round/Level
Save: Fortitude: Negates
Save DC: 12 + 1/2 Psion Level + WIS Modifier
Prerequisites: None
Required For: None
This power affects only creatures which exist simultaneously on the Prime Material plane and another plane of existence. This includes undead, elementals, fiends, and archons, but excludes gods, demigods, and avatars. When such a creature is wrenched, it is forced entirely into the Prime Material plane temporarily. The armor class, spell resistance, and saving throws of a wrenched creature are decreased by 2d6 each, with their turn resistance also being decreased by psionicist lvl/2.