User:Tissa/Sand box 07
Interactive Player Library |
Interactive Player Library |
A world born out of the void . . .. . . and into an age of strife, when the demon Negarai brought forth from another dimension nine prisoners who were to become gods. A world of magic, where vortices of raw power give birth to all things arcane and divine. A world of steel, where great battles engulf the entire continent of Negaria, forever changing her face, her peoples, and marking the epochs of time. A world of balance, where no one philosophy or race holds sway. |
Avlis is a role-playing environment created for use online, using the Internet. It is continuously running and available to use. This fantasy setting was created by the merger of three things:
If you seek high fantasy with intense roleplay, where your character and the characters around you come to feel not just like a collection of stats and pixels but true living beings, then Avlis is the place for you. Systems : Animal Companions | Artificing | Crafting | Death | Economy | Emotes | Magic | Notes | Psionics | Spells | Portraits |

Interactive Player Library |

Deglos | Elysia | Ferrell | Ithilla | Kuras | Kurathene | Le'Or T'Nanshi | M'Chek | Mikona | T'Nanshi | Underdark | Visimontium |
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