Player Guide
Out Of Character (OOC) Information
Out of character (OOC) information is usually described as things that you the player know but that your character does not. Attribute values, attack and damage bonuses and other such statistics are all OOC information.
Here OOC information is used to describe the things you as a player may need to know to have a great time in Avlis, from how to start playing to how to make your character to what not to do.
Players who join Avlis come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are familiar with D&D and PnP roleplaying but are not well-versed in the intricacies of Neverwinter Nights (NWN) computer game, while some know NWN very well but have little knowledge of D&D or roleplay (RP). This guide has been written with both types of people in mind, so there may be parts that seem extremely simple to the reader. It is recommended that you read at least "Getting Started"; If the other sections do not seem to interest you, then you should jump ahead to the in character (IC) section and at least skim it before starting a character on Avlis.
General Guides
This chapter is exactly as the title states, a collection of very general guidelines to help you get along in Avlis. It is by no means exhaustive. The main reason for this is that an excellent roleplaying guide for multiplayer NWN has already been published, by Gruush. You can download it from the NWVault here.
As a supplement to Gruush's guide, this section provides additional guidelines on classes in Avlis, advice on what alignment is and how to properly play it, as well as tips and advice from players and staff.
Making Money - A collection of examples for navigating Avlis Economy.
Major Meeting Points - By server, where you are most likely to find other players.
Languages - Languages Native to Avlis.
Currencies of Avlis - IC names of gold pieces across the lands.
Things Not to Do
Avlis attempts to accommodate all types of players and playing styles. But as a heavy RP game world there are certain things that cannot be abided. Therefore the team has laid down a few rules. The objective of these rules, which are enforced regularly by the team, is to create and preserve the type of RP environment that we feel encourages true cooperative roleplay.
If you truly wish to create a memorable PC do so through exemplary and creative RP. Do not do it by creating a green-haired, purple-skinned, long-lost king of M'Chek abandoned in the swamps of Le'Or and raised by jedi ninja were-hamsters.
Why? Because:
a. M'Chek has no King
b. Le'Or has no swamps
c. The jedi would never admit a ninja to their ranks. No, not even a were-hamster ninja.
d. There are no jedi.
For more information, consult the Avlis Rules.
Special Features of Avlis
Online Avlis is an ongoing development project. As such, new features – features that are not available in single-player NWN – are constantly being added and optimized. This section will explain seven of those special features: crafting and artificing, magic, the economy, player-run guilds, Avlissian prestige classes, custom races, and the death system.
- Important:
- See Systems for a full list of the current Avlis-specific modifications and introductions of systems, classes and skills, etc.
Custom Races - Custom Avlis races.
Death and Dying - Avlis' death system.
Classes - On Avlis, the base NWN classes have numerous customizations and related systems.
Prestige Classes - New custom Avlis prestige classes.
Psionics - A new class and powers for psionics on Avlis.
Magic System Information on how magic works on Avlis.
Artificing - Creating magic items on Avlis.
Crafting - Creating armor, clothing, gems, healing kits, jewelry, potions, weapons, and more. Gathering resources, mining and wood cutting.
Recycling and Junk Processing - How to trade crafted items for tokens, convert junk into crafting components or trade it for gold.
The Economy and Persistence - How money comes and how it leaves the game.
Guilds - The rules for creating a guild in Avlis.
Refresh - A way for an epic PC to start a different path (class, etc.)
Remort - A way to retire an epic PC and start anew, with incentives.
Inter-Server Chat and Looking for Party (LFP) channel - A way for players and Dungeon Masters to communicate across the servers (OOC).
The Avlis Wiki
Keeping the Wiki up to date is important. The great thing about the Wiki is it is a community effort. This does not only extend to creating new pages related to your characters or guilds, but editing existing pages! Together, the community can help maintain the Wiki so that it remains accurate, up to date, and contains relevant information. It contains both IC and OOC information and is a wonderful asset. Please keep in mind that some pages may be out of date.
The main article for the Avlis Wiki is here.
The general guidelines for editing the Avlis Wiki:
- First, the, Rules:Wiki Information Do not create content that goes against the metagaming rule.
- Familiarize yourself with Mediawiki Formatting
- Do not create lore unless approved by the Avlis Team.
- See Contributing to the Avlis Wiki
- See Avlis Wiki FAQs
Avlis Community
In Character (IC) Information
"In character" information is information that your character knows within the game world. Here is it used to describe the background information on Avlis that this part of the guide explains. By reading this section you will learn some of the history of Avlis, as well as information about the races who populate it, the nations they have formed, and the gods and goddesses who watch over them.
The History of Avlis
Age of Rebirth or Ongoing History, including server-specific events
The Races of Avlis
Human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc: these are typical player character races in D&D and are the races NWN allows you to play. All of these races exist on Avlis, in addition to many, many more, some of which you can select as the race of your character.
While some of the races are identical to the descriptions laid out in D&D game literature, most are slightly different. They are... well, they are Avlissian. And there are some races that do not exist in D&D at all. All of these races have unique developments in accordance with the history and culture of Avlis.
Avlis Geography
The map below shows the main continent of the world of Avlis. It is divided into a variety of nations and regions. The game servers on Avlis have begun in the south, extending further and further north additional servers are added. As of this writing the nations of M'Chek, T'Nanshi, Ferrell and Deglos are on separate servers, as are the cities of Mikona (capital of M'Chek), Le'Or (capital of T'Nanshi), Elysia (an independent city-state between Ferrell and T'Nanshi), Visimontium (an independent city-state between Deglos, Galdos and the Kurathene fiefdom of Servator), as well as a vast territory of the Underdark. This chapter will give descriptions of the nations and regions, starting with Mikona and working north up to Tyedu.

Culture and Religion
Culture of Avlis: Classes, which are also social roles and integral to culture, Art and Literature, Religion and Magic.
Deific Chart, showing all the gods and their portfolios in brief