ANRA Volume 4: Care and Management of Forests

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The Care and Management of Forests by Kareth Ma'fer

The role of the ANRA is not just to teach and develop new ways of farming, it is also to help make best use of the resources provided to us by nature.

A living forest should be seen as much more then just a source of timber for the construction of farm buildings. A properly managed forest is a delicately balanced environment. It is important that those charged with the care of the forest ensure this balance is properly maintained.

Although, the trees themselves dominate the landscape of a forest, careful observations will reveal that the forest is made of far more then just the trees. A healthy forest is alive with life from birds in the highest branches, to the smallest insects which break down the leaves on the ground. The trees and bushes in a forest also provide food for larger animals.

There is much in the forest that is of use to farmers, the branches of the trees can be used to make the handles for tools and planks. The fertile leaf litter can help restore nutrients to the soil if used as a fertilizers for crops. The mosses that grow on trees can also be used in alchemy. While the animals can be hunted for food and furs.

The deep roots of forest trees means that far from competing with crops for water the trees are actually bringing deep running water to the surface.

These roots are also useful in keeping the soil firmly packed together.

The main job of those charged with the management of the forest is to counter the damage done by those who are taking from the forest. Those taking from the forest might be woodcutters, hunters or gatherers. The forests rangers should be working with the rest of the community and guiding their actions making sure that nobody destroys the natural balance of the forest.

A forester will also be charged with ensuring that a forest stays healthy, this will include treating diseases that effect the trees and making sure that new trees are planted to replace those that have been felled for construction purposes. A forest ranger will also be expected to work closely with the children of the forest, the dryads and the nymphs, allowing the community to live in harmony with the forest dwellers.

If left to nature a forest will prosper, the foresters job is to make sure that our actions does not damage this prosperity. In some cases this will involve taking actions, and in other cases it will involve preventing action being taken by others.

It is important for the woodsmen or "rangers" to be an active part of their community. Their role within the community will be to guide others in the ways of the forest. To make sure that no one tries to take more from the forest then it can give. This will require the rangers to spend time within the community teaching others of the ways of the forest rather then spending all their time in the woods. Where the forest is concerned they should be seen as an authority within the community, and should always be willing to teach the basics of their craft to others.