Anarchy and The Violet Order

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Anarchy and the Violet Order

What is Anarchy? A simpleton may tell you, "Oh, it simply means a society with no government or rules," and not understand the concept of the word, or understand that there is a significant depth to it that they are unable to see. It is more than a mere word, far too complex for it to be explained by a credulous definition so that it may be understood to the fullest extent.

Anarchy is the embodiment of Chaos in a society or organization. Without understanding Chaos, one cannot understand Anarchy for they are one of the same. To believe that even Chaos has no structure is naive, except perhaps in its purest forms that mere mortals and many immortals have yet to comprehend. Even then, there is still perhaps a diminutive droplet of structure present, it has just yet to been seen or understood.

Chaos is many things. Its nature is undefined, constantly changing, adapting, growing, and surviving. Chaos is eternal, the concept of it everlasting. Laws, structure, order... all of these are temporary. Chaos to law and order is as darkness is to light, or cold is to heat. There will come a time that they will crumble and Chaos will overtake them once again. To try and oppose and remove Chaos is a fool's task.

One must understand that the nature of Chaos, thus the nature of Anarchy, is destructive. To deny this you've yet to open your eyes entirely or you've come to an understanding that I've yet to ascend to. We as individuals of the Violet Order of the Skull do not attempt to abolish Chaos - we attempt to embrace it, to harness the chaos and bend it to our Will. We must all strive to become Masters of our Environment. Should we fail to become the embodiment of chaos, we have become unable to adapt; stagnation has tainted the fiber of our beings and the very Chaos we attempted to encompass will destroy us for we have proven no longer capable or worthy to channel its raw, untamable power. Those who rely upon order and structure fear the destructive power of chaos, whereas it should be welcomed. Chaos challenges an individual and forces them to grow and adapt or be destroyed. It shows no mercy or kindness, no forgiveness or remorse, no reservation. It will consume you the instant you become weak enough.

Anarchy is chaos manifested in the form of a society or an organization. The Violet Order has embraced the concept of Anarchy being paramount to all other forms of structure. As stated, there is structure even in Chaos, thus there is structure in Anarchy. However, rather than relying blindly upon a standardized, unchanging structure, our structure relies on and encourages an individual to persevere, to have their limits pushed and challenged, and to advance in ways and to extents that are beyond the realm of possibility when relying upon other means. Herein lies the danger and risk of such. Should we become incapable of embracing the ameliorating power of chaos, the Order could potentially implode upon itself. Such is the risk of harnessing and practicing such an idea. However, with greater risk comes greater consequence, be it reward or failure. We embrace this, we accept this, and as individuals we strive to become the embodiments of chaos and in turn the Order will reflect this manifestation and become something that no other Order is capable of achieving.

We do not fear looking into the darkness of chaos; we do not tremble when faced with its pure, infinite power; we do not cower in a corner when gazing into the depths of the Abyss. We are the Violet Order of the Skull, why would we be afraid of looking into a mirror?

-Dameon- Greatmage of Internal Affairs Violet Order of the Skull