Best Avoided: The Ecology of The Gorgon

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By Gorstag Tessele

Dusky, metallic-scaled denizen of deep caves and underground tunnels, the gorgon is a massive bull-like creature greatly feared by miners and adventurers alike, because of its fearsome petrifying breath. A gorgon can turn creatures to stone by its breath, using this attack whenever it meets creatures it senses to be dangerous, such as a man. This is entirely a voluntary act, these vapors being produced by and stored in an internal organ opening into the roof of the mouth. Despite having found mentions of this being the case, it seems gorgons will not ignore apparently (or even truly) petrified victims. As such, feigning death isn't to be considered a suitable tactic to escape a gorgon's assault.


Findings of gorgon dens have been reported both deep within the mines South of Port Nireth, on the T'Nanshi coast, and in the underground tunnels of Negaria's Underdark. These are commonly located near rich veins of iron, silver, or other sorts of metals; contrary to popular belief this isn't to ascribe to the diet of these creatures: in fact, gorgons cannot consume actual metal, in either raw or refined form (see below), and the true reason for this behavior is to distract the attention of would-be gorgon killers which might stumble in the area (including rust monsters and, due to a similar penchant for hoarding chiefly coinage and other metallic treasures, adventurers). Gorgons are fiercely territorial and often hunt together in small bands (of two mated pairs, three males plus a female that one or all of them are courting, four or fewer young males, and so on). This author has located and investigated both normal and greater gorgons. However, the existence of dire gorgons, more fearsome even than greater ones, has been documented in the past.


Male and female gorgons are identical in size and power and are externally indistinguishable (except to other gorgons), typically standing over 6 feet tall at the shoulder and measuring 8 feet from snout to tail. An adult (normal) gorgon weighs about 4,000 pounds. Previous reports show that a mated pair will stay together for 2-6 years and will reproduce approximately once a year (more often if food is plentiful, less often if not). The female will bear one to three calves 6-8 months after mating and will keep to the den (her mate hunting for her) from the fourth month of pregnancy until she gives birth. A newborn gorgon, however weaker, is able to move and fight for itself at one month of age; a gorgon reaches full adult size and powers within 5-7 months after being born and achieves maturity at the age of two years. Gorgons are omnivorous, subsisting on carrion, vegetation of all types, and small creatures which they gore or trample but do not petrify, as they cannot digest stone nor metal. Alone, unarmed or weak human or humanoid would be considered food, and attacked as such; a creature that is petrified is a meal forever lost.


A gorgon possesses a mighty arsenal of natural weaponry, which includes its horns, hooves, and breath, as well as a thick armored skin. Gorgons rarely bite in battle, resorting to it only if their breath weapon is expended. The breath weapon of a gorgon consists of a conical-shaped cloud of visible, dark-green vapors with a distinct smell not dissimilar from stewed cabbage. For reasons not fully understood, but tested on the field, this cloud exists simultaneously on the Astral, Ethereal, and Prime Material Planes and can, therefore, affect creatures in any of these environments that are within the area the cloud occupies, which therefore risk permanent petrification. Petrified creatures are immobile and have no sense of the passage of time, nor awareness of their surrounding, but are still technically alive. The skin of a gorgon is covered with close-fitting, irregularly shaped metal scales composed of impure iron, which the gorgon derives from green plants and the blood of mammals. The scales are coated with a waxy secretion produced by the creature to prevent rusting due to rain or dampness. The plates are rather soft, but they are both thick and durable, and greater gorgon scales are prized by expert craftsmen throughout Negaria.


Gorgons are nothing if not furiously aggressive. They attack intruders on sight, attempting to trample, gore or petrify them. A threatened group of gorgons will usually initiate combat by breathing petrifying gases a couple of times on their foes, then either keep breathing or charge if engaged in close quarters. If allowed to, they will circle a lone opponent and attempt to turn it into stone, gore or trample it. In a fight, greater gorgons are easily recognizable from their lesser kin due to their more considerable bulk and a powerful aura.


By now, it should be evident to the reader that the most dangerous weapon of a gorgon is its breath. However, it is also the one it is most difficult to ward against: only the hardiest adventurer can be certain of resisting the influence of the perilous gases, whereas others will simply have to take precautions in case they are turned into stone. As such, it is inadvisable to approach a group of gorgons alone. While there is no known way of becoming immune to the otherwise permanent petrification effect short of transforming into a creature that also possesses a petrification ability (such as a basilisk or a cockatrice), there are a few ways to restore an unfortunate ally to its original form: the Transmutation spell stone to flesh may be the most straightforward approach, but any sort of dispelling effect will similarly work. It is worth noting that the corpse of a gorgon is often still dangerous for a while after the beast's death, as a result of the slow seepage of the gas from the still-active organ it is normally stored in, or the sudden explosion of a full cloud of gas that will envelop anyone or anything that disturbs the body. After this seepage has run its course, the gas-producing mechanism within the gorgon's body is inert and useless. To this author's knowledge, no one has succeeded in storing or synthesizing this gas, and its nature and method of manufacture remain a mystery. However, the spell flesh to stone can be used to replicate, if not the cloud, its effects. For all the reasons detailed above, it is suggested to only engage gorgons with the support of a capable group, by picking them off from a distance, or both. In all other circumstances, these creatures are without a doubt best avoided.


Despite a gorgon's natural temperament, attempts at taming such creatures have proved seldom successful in the past. The records this author reviewed mainly covered domestication of greater gorgons, so an enterprising druid or ranger should consider focusing his or her efforts on this variety. According to these findings, the most compatible fylgia seems to be that of the dire boar.