History of Elysia

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Elysia is a fortified city located along the shores of Lake Eridanus, along the western edge of T’Nanshi, south of the Halfling nation of Ferrel. The city is actually the made up almost entirely of loyal followers of the Champions of O’ma. Vanoviel Niltaurwen, after helping to foil the plot of Valok to enter Avlis, was tasked by O’ma himself to create an order of holy warriors to help in defending the ideals of Goodness throughout the planes. 50 years ago, Vanoviel, a half-elf/half-nymph, created a small fort as the headquarters of the early Champions of O’ma where Elysia is presently. Over time the small fort became a keep, the keep became a castle, the castle was surround by farms and artisans, and eventually the city was formed. Vanoviel decided to call the city Elysia, in honor of O’ma’s home plane of Elysium. Elysia still serves as the headquarters of the Champions of O’ma, however the Champions do not run the city.