History of M'Chek

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The beginnings of the nation of M'Chek are shrouded in legend. The most common story relates that it was founded by Mikon himself nearly 2600 years ago. Whether that is true or not is not known, but has been proven by scholars that humans have lived on the land since that time in relative safety.

The coming of the Fairy War about 2300 years ago did not damage M'Chek as much as some other nations like T'Nanshi. However, when the orcs attacked the warring fairy factions, and the Great War started, M'Chek played a large part. It was Mikon himself, through the channel of M'Chek that brought the evil dragons to Avlis in order to save the orcish race from extinction by the other races. This peculiarity often led many to become confused about which side M'Chek fought for in the Great War. Truthfully, it is a mystery although most speculate that they were neutral.

After the Great War ended nearly 2100 years ago, the M'Chekians built their capitol city, Mikona, with the help of the dwarves from Galdos. Unfortunately, some great tragedy occurred which wound up killing these dwarven helpers. No one knows what happened exactly, but the Galdosian dwarves are still wary of M'Chekians for it.

The time since the Great War was marked by relative peace in M'Chek, and consequently its trade relations blossomed. These relations became even more important around 100 years ago, when the nation of M'Chek began to get overpopulated.

This overpopulation sparked a land war with T'Nanshi to the north. The elves of T'Nanshi would not allow the humans to live on their land, and this left them no choice but to try and take land by force. This land, they felt, was needed for resources and accommodation of population expansion.