Learn to Read Dwergen - Volume 3

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These first and easy readers written in Dwergan were commissioned from L.E.A.F. Ministries by a mage called V, illustrated by Lulu Baxt, and translated by Gorstag Tessele.

The purpose of these books is to help people to learn to read Dwergan.

Book 5

P. 1

  • A drawing of a four member family pointing to another group of people who are dressed like bards.*

Dlomm ind fasc!

P. 2

  • A drawing of the family joining other people to watch the bard show.*

Dlomm ind fasc sealloch!

P. 3

  • A drawing of the bards squirting each other with water, tripping each other and standing and walking on their hands.*

Sealloch aeoch gehagh!

P. 4

  • A drawing of the people laughing at the bard show.*

Siad mesikoch wegoir ov gehagh sealloch!

Book 6

P. 1

  • A drawing of the sun rising over a landscape, indicated by people/animals starting their day.*

Szonne dlommoch (ciob).

P. 2

  • A drawing of the sun setting over a landscape indicated by people/animals ending their day.*

Szonne famoch (ciob).

P. 3

  • A drawing of one of the moons.*

Moan dlommoch (ciob).

P. 4

  • A drawing of stars and the moon.*

Ses aeoch naght (ciob).