Lesser Deities of Avlis, Volume 1

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Balgar (Wemics) Wemics are a centauroid race of lions that exist mainly in two different areas on Avlis. In the west, they roam the plains of the Kurathene Empire. In the east, they inhabit the jungles of Jechran and Drotid. Both lines draw their ancestry from the same roots, and have similar cultures, with minor differences.

Wemics are the creation of the god Balgar, and almost all the Wemic race worships him as "The Son". Balgar is the son of Mikon and a mortal woman whom he conceived with named Aryeh Gidol. Later, Aryeh's existence was preserved by Mikon, she came to be equally worshiped by the wemics as "The Mother". Both gods play important roles in the daily lives of the wemic.

All wemics trace their roots through their mothers, who are generally regarded as the elders of the family units or prides. Most prides will wander the plains or jungles where they are accustomed, rarely settling down. They are at one with the land, feeding off of game in the area until they feel it is time to move on to better grounds. Though this existence seems simple, the wemics are by no means primitive. Every pride is networked with all its neighboring units, and through this network, the wemics have a pretty good idea of what passes through their territory.

Wemics do not claim land as their own, and have no countries or nations. However, they will protect their chosen hunting grounds from anyone they see as a threat. They are very intelligent, and always aware that some other race may lay claim to their grounds as part of a nation of humans, elves, or others. This does not trouble them, and often they can find themselves in agreement with the nation in which they inhabit, so long as their lands are properly cared for. Often, male wemics will want to make their own way in the world apart from their matrilineal society, and they will offer their services to the nation where they live. This phenomena is seen many times in the plains of the Kurathene Empire, where goodly lords are common, though it is not often seen in places like Drotid where tyrants play.

Though the wemics live in a matrilineal society, the males are not oppressed in any way. They simply do not have the drive for organization and structure that the females have. So it is left to them to take it up. "The Mother" provides qualities of order and structure, whereas "The Son" preaches doing whatever seems prudent at the time. Both philosophies are regarded equally in the wemic society, and they both fill a role.

When hunting, the females will often take the lead, though males have been known to participate in their own hunts from time to time. Male wemics have different personalities. Some are sociable, and some are solitary. It varies. The solitary ones often find themselves living apart from the pride, but not out of contact. Sociable ones are often found among other races.

Berryn (Morning, Spring, & Halflings) Berryn was wrought of the union between Gorethar and a unique dwarven druidess named Kitanya Meygle. The druidess was not an average dwarf, yet her courage and prowess seen during the Great War impressed Gorethar greatly.

Berryn was born with a great love of nature, as taught by her mother, yet her father conveyed on her a strong importance in stability and comfort. These feelings governed her actions, and led to her adoption of the mantles of Morning and Spring... for both were the peak symbols of nature, yet their regularity held much stability in the face of much death and change.

When it came time for Berryn to create her own race, she chose to make halflings. Her father had related to her the nature of halflings whom he encountered on other worlds and Berryn liked their description. She wanted a race who was stalwart and stable, yet able to live in nature with a sense of comfort and style.... not stodginess. Halfings suited her well.

Being of the mind that the universe is a balanced place of good and evil, but feeling that her good actions were an integral part of the balance, Berryn allowed her creatures to choose their path on their own for good or ill. Many of the halflings hold Berryn in high regard, although most of these reside in the halfling nation of Ferrell.