M’Chekian Cave Bear

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Creature Name: M’Chekian Cave Bear

Observations by: Svipdagr

Creature Type: Animal ((Already CTS accessible but not a unique input))

Creature Subtype: Ursine

CTS trainable: Not yet (researching).


A cave bear native to M'Chek. Similar to a dire bear but with a few minor differences... Even though it lives in M'Chek, it has a connection to the cold and often can freeze the air around it (cold aura).

Feeding Habits

None listed.

Disposition and Social Habits

Though primarily a solitary animal the M’Chekian Cave Bear can be found with others of its kind, from cave bears to dire bears to grizzly bears or more.


Found primarily in caves in M'Chek.


Most compatible: Brown Bear

  • It is a bear, after all.

Other notes

M’Chekian Cave Bear have been known to be so cold that if one gets too close, it can actually "burn"/freeze you. They often grow quite furious if you wake them and will quickly try and run you down if you try and flee. That said, I've never seen one climbing a tree, so maybe you can try that to get away...