Philosophy of Gorethar

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The world is constantly beset by forces of good, evil, law, and chaos. These factors are very black and white. Something is either good, bad, orderly or chaotic. All who follow Gorethar are born into this world with the important job of making sure the pull towards goodness and law is the most dominant one.

When one's deeds lead towards good and order for other people in addition to the one doing the deed, the forces of good and law are said to get a leg up on their opposites. By aligning your own beliefs and psyche with these forces of good and order, you will become an enlightened being who is able to see the will of Gorethar in the world.

But how does one do this?

Goodness and order take work! Gluttony and laziness are the bane of Gorethar and anyone who follows him. The forces that are constantly pulling at the world must be constantly countered.

People must focus outside of themselves and realize that the world is bound togethor as one. When you help someone, you are helping yourself, and when someone is wronged, everyone is wronged. That is the way of things, and it is for this reason why Gorethar is working to make things better one person at a time. Each person who gains an understanding of how the world works will begin to act in accordance with it, thereby bringing order. They may even spread their understanding over time. This is the hope of all who worship Gorethar: that each person who is helped and enlightened may help an enlighten two others to bring about peace and tranquility for all.

Crafting is one method by which order may be brought, and this is why Gorethar made the dwarves and gave them the love of crafting. Dwarves are always hard-working, and they constantly move about to beautify the surroundings of their homeland. At the deep root of it, Gorethar watches over crafting and preaches it because it teaches discipline, and it shows how to make something out of nothing. This is a representation of bringing order from chaos, and is thus sacred.

One should also not forget that Gorethar is a warrior first and foremost. Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice a local peacetime to bring about goodness and order. When there is a fight to be had in support of these things, Gorethar is never far behind, and neither are his followers. Hate, mistrust, theft, murder, rape, plunder and destruction are always things that Gorethar will violently oppose. Mercy is to be had and quarter is to be given to those who surrender, however it is acceptable to make sure they are contained in the future.