Prose of the White Dragon

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Prose of the White Dragon: The early works of Sonja Pyre

Many do not know that Sonja Pyre was a poet before she was who she was. We have picked a selection of her poems that she wrote in her youth on the isle of Nuvar that reflect upon the woman we know and love. It is our wish to share this lovely glimpse into her life with everyone. Read, enjoy, reflect and make a difference in someone's life. Like she did in ours.

A Warriors Heart

Strong of heart a warrior must be.
Keen of eye, must all they see.
Strong of body, mind kept clear.
The warrior fights for those held dear.

Eyes flash in battle to match their blade.
They never falter once a decision made.
With head held high, their task is set.
They enter the fray without regret.

But what of the one left at home?
They sit and worry all alone.
Will my love return to me this day?
Or will a dirge for them soon play?

While on the filed screams, the air does fill.
Yet the warrior's voice remains quite still.
Their mind is focused on the task.
They will not stop till the breath their last.

And still at home their love does wait.
Knowing not their warrior's fate.
Long hours spent before the fire.
And all they see, a funerals pyre.

The warrior's yell heard above the rest.
Their task is done, the end of quest.
A token held over beating heart.
At touching it, the feeling does start.

While still the other sits at home.
The fate of the theirs still unknown.
Night turns to day, then day goes past.
Has their love breathed their last?

At the camp, song sets center stage.
Some of fear and some of rage.
Quite alone the warrior does stay.
The battle done another day.

They check to see the damage done.
While sitting in the setting sun.
A piercing blow has struck their chest.
Left of center, above left breast.

The warrior reaches hand inside.
The warrior's smile does not hide.
Over beating heart do they find.
The token of the one left behind.

While still at home as hours run past.
The other raises eyes at last.
A bond that others never viewed.
Their warrior lives, their joy renewed.

A creak on porch an opened door.
The warrior enters as before.
The other greets as fingers entwine.
All the fear is now behind.

The warrior will never know what was felt.
By the one at home whose heart did melt.
To see once more the shining face.
Filled with love, strength and grace.

Gentle hand search for the warrior's wounds.
None are found as the heart now swoons.
For signs of blows they search the chest.
Again none is felt and, a heart at rest.

So when you fight on honors field.
One stays behind, faith won't yield.
The one left behind will show no pain.
They know it is the warrior's bane.

-Selected by Aiko

Heroes Unsung

Who among us cannot say.
Our fate was changed by one unseen.
One unnoticed, the battle swayed.
Though few will know who I mean.

They are not the one who's weapons flash.
Arcane might from them not seen.
Though always close as foes do clash.
And still you know not who I mean.

The are the ones of heart so brave.
Noticed only when others see a need.
Their courage known by those they save.
So who's the one of this deed?

The one who keeps watch of those in need.
Our healers they are, one must concede.

-Selected by Nawen

A Dragons Heart

Of a dragons heart little is known.
I speak not that of flesh and bone.
But rather what is held inside.
Something that will not subside.

To release of it you may choose.
Unknown if you will win or loose.
For within the heart does it dwell.
Intensity that will not quell.

In your words you hold the key.
Choose them well or quickly flee.
But if you open of this door.
Nothing will be as before.

Release of it if you do dare.
Untold wealth you may share.
Gold and gems are not their hoard.
Passion is the true reward.

-Selected by Aiko and Nawen

It is always a shame that the little details about someone come out after they have passed into the next life. Sonja was many things to many people; Great Mage, Lover, Friend, Respected, Listener, Troublemaker, Vengeance, Kind, Teacher, Business Woman, Imperfect yet Perfect, Knowledgeable, Feared, Pixie, Adored, and countless other words could be used to describe our friend. Sonja was a member of the Green Order of the Forest, Former Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi, member of the Bardic Academy of Visimontium, and founder of Loash Leheven; that was her life when she moved to forest of T'Nanshi. Before coming to us she fought dragons and demons on two planes and was Archmage of the Arcane School of Nuvar.

Prose written by Sonja Pyre
Complied and Notes by Aiko and Nawen of the Fairy Garden