The Lost Princess - Volume 2

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The Lost Princess : Volume 2 of 7

On the fifth night, after much calling out from the princess, Sareve did appear, covered in flowers, around his head a band of bright blue vervain ... they spoke long into the night and in the way of young couples, became almost inseparable.

For the next few weeks ... they walked, they spoke, they danced, they ate and they kissed, and made promises, including to write and to love each other always, and to make a way to be together.

The time came though when Sareve had to leave, much to the relief of the King in fact, who had Zelia lined up to a strong Avariel noble family to marry into. As the T'Nanshi elves were waved goodbye, Zelia remained aloof, high above on a private balcony ... she shed tears alone as Sareve entered the lift to the ground below.

The journey home was a long one for the young elf, and there were many adventures and misadventures along the way. By the time they had finally arrived Sareve had received several letters than had beaten him home from the Princess. He replied ... almost immediately, but with the coming of a type of stardom from having traveled so far amongst his peers, and much to do with the Spiritland and family, and of course his avenger training, he wrote back less and less as time moved forward. He stopped completely after meeting the young sorceress Eemen'ja who was a perfect match for his free spirit devotion to the Spiritland. He soon forgot about the princess, and left her letters unread as he moved on from what he considered a childish infatuation to his new life with Eem.

Things however did not go so well for the Princess: she became worried, then withdrawn ... stopped sleeping, would hardly eat, and matters only got worse when the King announced her marriage to a man she had no feelings for. She wrote desperately to Sareve to come and rescue her, but he never came ....