The Philosophy and Practices of Zhitaril

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Undeath is an extension of life and is not an excuse for immortality. For some people life is one long string of suffering, pain, and sacrifice. The promise of a peaceful afterlife is the only reward for their trouble and can be taken away, sometimes through no fault of their own. Others have a much better time of their existence and make their current life their reward at the cost of pain and torment when they eventually pass. Fun, delight, and passion fill many of their waking hours even if it may sometimes be at the cost of others. Zhitaril asks, "If your life is a party, why should it stop simply because your body wears out? If the deceptions of your neighbors have cost you those pearly gates you worked so hard for, why shouldn't you get an extension on your life to earn redemption before judgment is laid upon your soul?" She is the goddess of the Undead and the animating force of Undeath, yes, but she is also a patron of the mortal existence. Where the gods of Good cast us out of their grace for our mortal flaws Zhitaril instead loves and embraces these imperfections. She even goes so far as to use them to prolong our time on this fascinating world, and gives us the ability to explore places too hostile for the living to dream of. However close her blessings come to immortality though know that there will eventually be an end. Keep this in mind and prepare for it.


Treat your body well. Eat a balanced diet, exercise, and avoid damage to the bones in particular. This is the only body you will get, and will be your only vessel for millennia. Your body is the temple at which you worship Zhitaril. Destroy those who wish harm to this investment in your future.

Show respect for your elders both living and otherwise. They show us the pitfalls in the path so that we may continue towards success.

Desecrate no crypt with grave robbing. Those interred are the ancestors of others and should not be so disrespected. Treat them as you would the elderly of your own family.

Seek undeath not for the fear of death, but for the love of life. The gift of Zhitaril is not a foolproof counter to the Cycle, and even gods have died in our history. Keep a goal in mind and be prepared to greet The Harpinger with grace once it is complete. Insanity and decay await those who exist for the sake of existing.

Endeavor to actually live one full lifetime before seeking to live five more. Ask Zhitaril to provide contingency in your youth in case of unfortunate circumstances, yes, but Undeath should ideally be sought towards the end of natural life. At minimum you should pass on after having one child so that your line may grow, and Zhitaril with it.

Skeletons and zombies are gifts from Zhitaril to serve mortals. They animate without their own effort and have no will with which to worship. All other undead exist to serve Zhitaril. They have consciously lived their lives in such a way as to rise again, and have enough of a will to choose to serve their goddess.

Avoid harm to the servants of Zhitaril if at all possible. Should they persist in causing harm to your bodily temple however be swift with your vengeance.

The New Moon, which hides around the turn of each month, should be marked for communion with Zhitaril. Partake in the Feast of the Dead around midnight during this time, either alone or with members of your coven, while in the darkest room of your abode. The Feast is a simple thing of raw meat (preferably from a sentient creature,) wafers made with ground bones from the same, and a single measure of warm blood. This will ensure a natural animation as nothing less than a ghoul.

The Winter Solstice is the high holy day of Zhitaril. Pilgrimage should be made to the Forest of Midnight if at all possible on this darkest day of the year for celebration. On this day tithes of coin shall be collected to further the Church, a tithe of blood collected to honor The Mother, and group ritual performed to assist elder followers in their ascension to Undeath. If Pilgrimage is not possible each individual is expected to at least try to convert one other person for that year instead. Should that fail as well, at least feed the hungry in your local cemetery.

Thus writes the Herald of Her WIll. Long live Her following. Elradra Rasul