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Revision as of 01:11, 25 September 2009

About Tel

Teleniel has spent most of her life wandering the woods, grasslands, mountains, caves and well just about anywhere she could walk to. Often playful and a bit of a tease she is quick to make friends. She prides herself on her ability to work with animals and has taken many as companions in her short time. Always looking for new things she can often be seen wandering around somewhat aimlessly with only half an eye out for trouble as she looks for anywhere new to explore.

Tel (as she's often called by her friends) will often try to intercede in arguments to at least keep the peace. As a follower of Skern as both Cleric & Druid, she believes his most important tenant revolves around the development of stable communities.

Tel is a friend to almost any animal she comes across... or at least tries to be, although she understands that not everyone has the right personality for the job. While she doesn't enjoy hurting animals, there are times when she will put them down if they decide they need to be between her and her objective.

** (noted below) Tel favors Large Cats (Panthers) over other companions because of their durability [high dex, while Bears/Wolves/Dire-Wolves have more Hit Points they are about even when you remove the temp hit points which can only be regained, AFAIK, by re-summoning the companion and lost them faster]

Tel's primary companions:

Nanaja (Dire Wolf) -- Tel's fist companion found her while she was traveling between her parents homes in the forest [Half-Dryad, Elf father]. Helping to bring Nanaja into both communities is part of what helped her to decide to follow Skern's path.

Feather (Kurathene Falcon) -- Tel found Feather in the sights of a Farmer in Southern M'check just north of Southill. She convinced the farmer to let her talk the falcon down instead of him shooting her down so that she left his chickens alone.

Lyra (Kirre) -- Lyra gave Tel quite the start when they first met in the Wilderness near Dwarf trade, however they have quickly become fast friends and can often be seen traveling together.

Rygor (Ferrell Cave Tiger) -- While wandering in Little Falls Canyon Tel slowly walked up to Rygor, currently without a companion nearby she slowly worked to befriend him and a few hours later the two of them could be seen wandering Farrell. Rygor and Tel are often seen wandering the mountains of Deglos together.

Corath (MChekian Cave Bear) -- While going to speak with members of the Order of the Way in M'Check Tel found a gruesome scene with blood of some of the animals all over the ground. Stopping to speak with the traveler who she found amidst the carnage she gave a bit of a lesson on being kind to animals. As part of an agreement the traveler agreed not to harm any of the bears in the local cave if Tel could successfully walk though without any of them showing signs of aggression. Making it to the back of the caves without so much as a growl, the companion seemed a bit startled and turned to leave peacefully as was the agreement. As Tel left and reached The Order of the Way, she realized that she'd been followed by a bear from the cave. Since then Tel has been spotted a few times with Corath following nearby, as a guardian protector.

Scales (Shaarda Sand Lizard) -- While wandering around Southern M'Ceck Tel came across a farmer in apparent distress. In front of the gate to his Farmstead were a pair of Sand Lizards. Convincing both to follower he she lead them towards the nearby Equalizers. Not having the heard to see both of them killed, she lured one back away and befriended him. As of right now She is still unsure if he is happy with the name Scales. She is still trying to find something she can pronounce which he may be more responsive to.

Other companions she has been seen with:

Most of these companions are somehow ill suited to Tel**

Stellaire (Avlis Leaping Hound) -- Tel rescued Stellaire from a group of Equalizers at Fort Tauton and has been mildly successful in training her. They have spent a fair amount of time wandering M'Check trying to find a suitable place for Stellaire's old pack which does not overlap with farmland or the war zone.

Kana (Displacer Beast) -- Found wandering the mines in Mikona, Tel walked Kana back through the displacer beast cave back to where her family made their home. It was quite the trip and they can occasionally be seen walking together in Mikona, as the dangers of the trip have bonded the two of them.

Naya (Penguin) -- Naya was purchased from an irresponsible wizard at the Ferrell Trade Fair. Summoned from a Wand of Wonder, the wizard seemed at a loss for what to do with her, pulling out a few coins Tel quickly paid for her and has cared for her since.

Granite (Dracolisk) -- Granite was found near Little Falls Canyon in Farrell. He was picked up on a bit of a whim while wandering the area.

Sleet (Winter Wolf)

Savage Wolf Pack Leader

Guard Dog


Blink Dog

Wus (Elven Meir Cat)

Sera (Avlis Jaguar)

Creatures that have been known to Follow Tel:

not all of these creatures are or should be part of the system. They are some of the things I've come across that i could AE and figured I'd just keep track

White Tiger (1300) -- Found in Deglos near the Scar

Tigress (1299) -- Found in the wilderness south of Zvid, by a Druid guarding the exit to a Hobgoblin cave

Gorgon -- Found in the Mikona Mines, and Wilderness mines. Listed as untamable in PnP i don't believe it would make a good companion either, so i didn't bother to keep a copy of the error number.

Grey Render -- Found many places, i misplaced the number for these, but they do mention in PnP that they are often found "adopting" people or communities.

Bulette (481) -- Found in a few places specifically in Deglos west of the main (only?) entrance from T'nashi near Dwarfhome. I'm not sure how these would work but they'd be interesting... possibly given a small DR instead of +12 NA? would be fun.

Hydra Worm (1233) --Found in Visi east of the base of Mount Smokes in a cave around the wild magic zone

Owlbear --Found in a lot of places didn't try to companion so no clue, just not Tel's kind of creature for a companion.

Research Notes