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Lady Ammika's Guide to the World of Plushies By Ammika of the Drakehall

Plushies are lovely and fantastical creations. Not only do they represent someone but they openly display how that person is seen; maybe not how they see themselves but how they are seen by the creator of the plushie. Plushies can be group into six categories for grading.

Immortals - Legendary
Variant- Epic
Named - Rare
Fey/Romini Related - Unique
Holy Warriors - Uncommon
Animals/Plants - Common

Legendary ranking in Plushies is reserved for the hardest to obtain and is believed to be a myth but I have seen the egg-laying Forian Plushie. Plushies in this ranking are reserved for the Immortals and rumored to not only be of the Nine but others who are also worshiped and following. Rumors whispered in PlushieCircles include the triple series of Gorethar; Sober, Drunk, and Beardless. Stoned Dru'El with working pipe, PartyGirl Mishlekh as the Queen of Drunken Romini with wine-soaked robe, and Blibdoolpoolp as a man in a frog-like suit that waves to you and smiles; just to name a few. These aren't just plushies sewed up to idealize the immortals but are known to have been blessed at some point in their creation or shortly after and still harness such prayers and beliefs within them.

The Epic ranking is where Variant Plushies can be found. These are named and depictions of well-known figures from history and the present day but are more customized by the creator than a 'Named' Plushie. Examples are DancingFinn, Tor as BearMan, ScryingCrying Saman with Orphan's Edge, High Reaver and Tree Lover Darius, and ColorChanging Micah the Witch. These typically come with something the plushie can hold in their hand. The Variant Plushies are harder to come by and rarely parted with by a collector.

The Rare Plushies are typically the named plushies. They are named for figures we know in history and present days. This includes those mostly obtained at Trade Fairs and can be of such great adventurers like Tor or Speaker Finn from the forest, Mages from the Trust like Dameon Fabello, and Kassha, and famed figures like Elysia's own Lady Vanoviel Niltaurwen or Nor'Seere's Princess Naia. Rare Plushies can also be animals that we know of their names like the racing horses of WildBolt, Crazy Breanna, and NightBlossom.

Uniques are named plushies that have fallen into Fey and Romini hands. Handle with care and seek out Trust'ed sources to examine and scry the Plushie. For all you know, it could be that person trapped within them for offering a fey the wrong flower or drawing that kind of attention from a Romini Seer'er.

Uncommon Plushies were once harder to find but these days if you don't have a set or two of the holy warriors of the Nine Immortals then you are not a collector but a PlushiePoser. These are Paladins, Champions, Avengers, Justicars, Equalizers, Confounders, Dominators, and Annihilators. There are rumors of variants within them as I have seen a Justicar with a blue dragon.

Common Plushies are considered as unnamed animals, horses, and your unnamed doll. These can be simple butterflies, a cat, stag, bear, flower, and have even seen a tree one. Not to be confused with animal carvings or the GOATs that are popular with some.

Plushies are great fun and an adventure to find and gather but don't just keep them alone. Plushies need to socialize. Therefore, never store or display a plushie alone. They need friends and need to see and experience the world they are meant to be within. Tea Parties are good moments to share with your plushies as well as traveling one of two of them as you venture out. Don't neglect your plushies or they will neglect you.

With Plushies Collection comes a warning. Never collect yourself as a Plushie. Your strings and the Plushies strings can become entangled and you don't want to go through that. Ask about such the forest, this has happened. It is known.

If you have several of the same figures, you might wish to store them separately. There are reports of a certain set of four plushies moving about a certain library and making themselves at home. There are no witnesses to their movements but they have moved.

Also, do not destroy a Plushie. If you don't want it pass it on to someone that does. To destroy a Plushie can and will bring about repercussions. There are rumors of such happening and the timely soul-crushing repercussions of the plushie's revenge can take many forms.

About the Author: Ammika (also known as Nawen) is not only a well-known authority on the topic of Plushies. She has also sewed Plushies of her friends Sonja, Aiko, Rose, Frapp, and others including herself; which are on display at GardenHouse just northwest within the FairyGardens and at Paradise in Elysia. She is also well known at Trade Fairs for her stall PlushieTown, where one can buy, sell, and trade in plushies. Currently, she is planning PlushieWorld, a model world of our world done with Plushies. Believed to be coming to Drakehall once she figures out all the display groupings and an orrery of her own and Fabello's design to create days and nights for PlushieWorld.