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#REDIRECT [[PCs:Miriel Hana]]
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[http://www.avlis.org/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=8616 http://gallery.avlis.org/d/7830-2/Miriels_Card.jpg]<br>
[http://www.avlis.org/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=8616 Contact]
==<div align="center" style="font-family: script; font-size: 300%;">Public Profile</div>==
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==== Appearance ====
[[Image:Mirielxilo4.jpg|thumb|120px|left|Portrait of Miriel]]
<code>'''''Please note:''' Miriel does '''not''' normally use her maiden name - Hana - since 2006 RL. Please only use it if you have learned it IC-ly. Thank you.''</code>
Miriel Hana tel'Suzail, now [[PCs:Xilo'rulithii|Xilo'rulithii]], is a familiar figure in [[Visimontium]] from the early days of the Holy City of [[Andrinor]] - the middle of the XXII century after the Age of Peace. She still is very young for an elf, skinny and pale in appearance, keeping her hair cut short in a boyish manner. Her once silver hair has turned mostly white, as a bitter counterpoint of her youth.
Miriel's face is framed in an expresionless mask, her smile is seldom welcoming. Her argentine eyes display hues of ice and steel, sharpened further by her intense stare. The numerous silver piercings on her ears, nose, tongue and chin catch the eye, as well as her ability to disappear for the naked eye around the nearest corner. Despite the impression of frailty about her body, Miriel often surprises the onlookers with lightning fast reflexes, physical versatility and endurance.
Miriel walks the streets of Visimontium wearing the light red and black uniform of a [[Guild:Sentinels|Sentinel]] and prefers to travel south clad in her [[Guild:BlueOrder|Blue Order]] mage robes. Apart from this formal attire, her wardrobe includes mostly unusual cuts of [http://gallery.avlis.org/v/Hamlet/Avlissian/Junk/?g2_page=4 clothing of her own making]. Those who chance to see her bare skin at night can see it reflecting the moonlight like mother-of-pearl. Miriel prefers not to uncover her right shoulder even if wearing a revealing dress - but when she does, the [[Arcane#Andrinor's Trust|Mark]] of Andrinor's Trust is clearly seen there.
Although many remember her in the holy vestments of [[Vorin]], as the turn of the century draws close Miriel is seen wearing the holy periapt of [[Andrinor]] openedly; That or a modest silver necklace adourned by a small bright ruby which she appears to be unusually fond of. At all times two silver rings are strung on the pendant she wears. It is in these years that a blackish gash on her hand appears, taking several years to heal. The scar left is now the dividing line of the stylized image of [[Ra-Ghul]]'s masked face, inked on the inside of her palm.
Miriel's voice is a light [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alto alto], bearing a soft rasp which becomes a sharp croak in the rare cases when she yells a command or calls a spell. She uses almost exclusively gestures to cast spells, rather than words; Her movements while spellcasting are somewhat restrained - even forced, carried out with painstaking concentration. Often she speaks in a melodious semblance of the [[Drangonari#Language|Drangonari]] language. Those who can recognise it may also be able to discern her origin, as Miriel visibly differs from most Avlissian elves.
[[Image:Feanaurraghul.jpg|thumb|right|Feanaûr [[Ra-Ghul]], Miriel's Dagger]]
==== Known Affiliations ====
* [[Guild:Sentinels|Visimontium Sentinels]] - Commander, II-nd Intelligence Division "Andrinor's Shadow", Bearer of Medal of Honour
* ''[[Guild:AshenOrder|Ashen Order]] of the Stars - Magus (2150-2162)''
* [[Guild:BlueOrder|Blue Order]] of the Sky - Magus (Since 2185), Senior Magus of Visimontium (Since 2212) - [[Magic:Divination|Divination]] & [[Magic:Enchantment|Enchantment]] Practitioner, [[Fatespinner]]
* [[Guild:ATU|Avlis Tower University]] - Sage, Planar Theory Lecturer, Historian of Visimontium
* [[PCs:Straccio#Straccio_and_the_PTRG|Psionic Theory Research Group]] - Staff
* [[Guild:BardicAcademyofVisimontium|Bardic Academy]] of Visimontium - Staff
* Guild for [[Guild:AKN|Advancement of Knowledge in Nature]] - Master
* [[Guild:AAAA|Avlis Arms and Armour Association]] - Senior Journeyman, Visimontium Hall Quartermaster
==== Popular Written Works ====
* [[Miriel's Guide to Visimontium]] - Almanac
* [[Planar Structure of the Known Multiverse]] - Lecture
* The Dragons of Fury - History Record In Progress
==<div align="center" style="font-family: script; font-size: 300%;">Personal Life</div>==
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[[Image:The_Xilo_Miriel_and_Amand.jpg|thumb|left|Miriel and Amand Xilo, 2171]]
==== Miriel's Journal ====
''After her husband's death, Miriel begins her memoirs.''<br>
[[Image:Hawk-feather.gif]][[Miriel_Hana_Xilo'rulithii's_Journal|View the surviving pages]]<br><br>
==== Family and Friends ====
[[PCs:Aman'dul Xilo'rulithii|Aman'dul Xilo'rulithii]] ''(Deceased)'' - Miriel and Amand Xilo spend two decades as husband and wife, from 2163 until Amand's death in 2185.
[[PCs:Aurelinis Xilo'rulithii|Aurelinis'liandu Xilo'rulithii]] and [[PCs:Orostau Nilnoste Xilo'rulithii|Orostau Nilnoste - Xilo'rulithii]] - Miriel accepts Amand's brother Aurelinis and his second wife as close family.
[[NPCs:Helene Stillwater|Helene Stillwater]] ''((NPC))'' - After a series of tragic events at the [[The Village of Blandenberg|Blandenberg]] Orphanage, Miriel takes 14-years-old Helene as her apprentice in the Arcane Arts in the spring of 2206. While Miriel insists on being refered to as Helene's mentor or custodian, her fondness to the human girl is obvious. Despite their differences - clearly stated by the fact that Miriel remains a Blue Order magus, while Helene enters the Ebony Order - in her adulthood Helene often addresses Miriel as "mother".
[[PCs:Aerill Ailpera|Aerill Ailpera]] and [[PCs:Fealith_Anifail|Fealith Anifail]] - To Miriel, the two are not merely her commanders within the Visimontium Sentinels. She accepts their advice and guidance as if from family elders, and often can be found around them in casual conversation.
[[PCs:Ialath Fentellon|Ialath Fentellon]] - Ialath and Miriel arrive in Visimontium while the city is still being built, as senior mage and apprentice of the [[Guild:AshenOrder|Ashen Order]] of the Stars. Often they speak in one voice, showing unique alikeness of mind, even after their lifepaths take radically different directions. They share "The Retreat", a house in the [[Miriel's_Guide_to_Visimontium#The_Academy_District|Academy District]] of Visimontium - just across "Truely Sweets".
[[PCs:Imoth|Imoth]] - Miriel meets Imoth during her first months on Avlis, around the Ashen Order tower in [[Elysia]]. Imoth has kept Miriel under her wing ever since, often calling her "dottir". Miriel returns the favour by refering to Imoth as to her step-mother.
[[PCs:Aria_Ashby|Aria Ashby]] - Aria encounters Miriel during her travels around the earthbergs of Hala in the plane of Ysgard. Miriel joins her on Aria's journey home (Elysia, Avlis) in the winter of 2148, and remains on Avlis to this very day. Their work affiliations keep them far apart more often than not, although distance hardly matters between true friends.
[[PCs:Tericky_Bendt|Tericky Bendt]] ''(Deceased)'' and [[PCs:Erendhl Eleashal|Ere'n'dhl El'eash'al]] ''(Deceased)'' - In the sunset of their lives, the mage of the Ashen Order Tericky, and the [[Guild:Healers_of_Cha'reth|Healer]] Ere'n'dhl have been the people remaining mostly close to Miriel in tumultous times. To this very day she speaks their names with reverence.
[[Image:Wiki_miriel_earring.gif|thumb|80px|right|Miriel's Ear-Ring, Made by Delaroweil Hend]]
[[PCs:Tralil|Tralil Breck]] and [[PCs:Elgos Longstride|El'gos Longstride]] - Miriel would mostly mention those two Ivory Order magi as her mentors in Fatespinning. Both Tralil and El'gos however address Miriel as "ooktan" ([[Nanshilae]] for "sister"), and treat her as such.
[[PCs:Delaroweil Hend|Delaroweil Hend]] - What begins as an acquintanceship between a student and a master arcanist of the Blue Order of the Sky, blossoms into a starlit path: One to be walked by a Moon Elf and a Half-Fey.
[[PCs:Kate Benneset|Kate Benneset]] ''(K'Tomma)'' - Miriel can often be seen in the company of the "ice witch" whenever she visits Mikona. The two widows appear to be close friends. Miriel looks up to Kate as to the older and more experienced woman she can learn from.
[[PCs:Sable the White|Sable]] and [[PCs:Tyedu Shadowwalker|Shadow]] - For many years Miriel is tentatively tolerated amongst the [[Guild:FuryofRa-Ghul|Fury of Ra-Ghul]] as [[PCs:Whisper|Whisper]]'s blood sister, yet the shamaness Sable and the warrior Shadow take one step further and accept her as a close friend as well. This bond has not weakened, even after Miriel's presence causes enmity amongst the Fury and Whisper severs the blood bond.
==== The Four ====
Four individuals - some of whom have known each other for long, some not, - get together around the beginning of the XXIIIrd century after the Age of Peace. The four are Miriel and three seekers of knowledge and enlightenment:
: [[PCs:Anomandaari|Anomandaari]] - The Philosopher, also known as The Pilgrim or Dust, whom Miriel calls "Haloisi" in her native tongue.
: [[PCs:Ath'Nook_Nekk'en|Ath'nook Nekk'en]] - The Red Warrior, a Githzerai hunter also known as The Red One or The Crimson.
: [[PCs:Hebrin_Maul|Hebrin Maul]] - The Grandmaster of the monk [[Guild:OrderoftheDragon|Order of the Dragon]], also known as The Maul, whom The Philosopher calls "The Sitting Dragon".
: [[PCs:Miriel_Hana_Xilo'rulithii#Appearance|Miriel Xilo]] herself - The Sage, also called "Little Willow" by The Philosopher, and "The Unmasked One" by The Red Warrior.
Hebrin and Miriel walk hand in hand of late, and show all the signs of being as close as a man and a woman can be.
==== Other people with whom Miriel openedly keeps in touch ====
[[PCs:Adagio D'Tranticus|Adagio D'Tranticus]] | [[PCs:Anderyn|Anderyn Cys'Varine]] | [[PCs:Ashanar Sekor|Ashanar Sekor]] (Ash) | [[PCs:Ayslynne|Ayslynne]] | [[PCs:Catrionae Dy'nei|Catrionae Dy'nei - Raykeeshen]] | [[PCs:Dusk Redrilo|Dusk Redrilo]] | [[PCs:Eldrea Addams|Eldrea Addams]] | [[PCs:Elil_Teglesh|Elil Teglesh]] | [[PCs:Elyl|Elyl Ka'aestar]] | [[PCs:Eudaimon Dawnblade|Eudaimon Dawnblade]] | [[PCs:Frapp Moon-Yana|Frapp Moon-Yana]] | [[PCs:Gotthardt_Staahl|Gotthardt Staahl]] | [[PCs:Gurth_Istar|Gurth Ish'tarestacia]] | [[PCs:Kalgar Darthvord|Kalgar Darthvord]] | [[PCs:Zamanaena, Karna'yeritath|Karna'yeritath Zama'naena]] | [[PCs:Kaytza_Aym'awl_Karna|Kaytza Aym'awl Karna]] | [[PCs:Kish'ti|Kish'ti]] & [[PCs:Mhog'ar|Mhog'ar]] | [[PCs:Leto von Elis|Leto von Elis]] | [[PCs:Rali'vinee|Rali'vinee Ish'tarestacia]] | [[PCs:Selash|Selash]] | [[PCs:Sephira Everliss|Sephira Everliss - Raynes]] & [[PCs:Sylux Raynes|Sylux Raynes]] | [[PCs:Shayra_Thornberry|Shayra Thornberry]] | [[PCs:Shannen Di'rithia|Shannen Di'rithia - Amanta]] ''(Deceased)'' & [[PCs:Rune Amanta|Rune Amanta]] | [[PCs:Sher'Cha|Sher'Cha]] | [[PCs:Sinomi Sii|Sinomi Sii]] | [[PCs:Straccio|Straccio]] | [[PCs:Tinker Harlan|Tinker Harlan]] | [[PCs:Vana|Vana]] | [[PCs:Vanar Alhaldren|Vanar Alhaldren]] | [[PCs:Veilan Waterlilly|Veilan Waterlilly]] | [[PCs:Vesdrac Noss'tau|Vesdrac Noss'tau]] | [[PCs:William_Trueheart|William Trueheart]]<br><br>
* ''See also: [[#Known Affiliations|Known Affiliations]]''<br><br>
<div class="plainlinks" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px 0px;">
[http://wiki.avlis.org/PCs:Xilo'rulithii http://wiki.avlis.org/mediawiki/images/b/b9/Xilo_thumb.jpg]
==== Public Comments ====
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If someone steps on a kitten in Visimontium, Miriel blames herself.
- [[PCs:Hebrin Maul|Hebrin Maul]] ''on Miriel Xilo, c. 2205''<br>
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If ya's gonna give me a hug from over that far off, might as well be a<br>
"Naked, sweaty, dirty, drunk, drugged-up, tied-up, loosened up, hump hug."<br>
- [[PCs:Angus Blacksail|Angus Blacksail]] ''on Miriel Xilo, c. 2200''<br>
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My friend is short and to the point<br>
That's Miriel Xilo...<br>
I'm sure she means no great offense,<br>
It's how she says "Hello!"<br>
- [[PCs:Adagio D'Tranticus|Adagio D'Tranticus]] ''on Miriel Xilo, c. 2180''<br>
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This young elf has the annoying habit to demand a lot more of your time than you really want.<br>
Perhaps that is a sign of significance - time will show.
- [[PCs:Krator Blackfist|Krator Blackfist]] ''on young Miriel Hana, c. 2160''<br>
* Perennial Winner of the OOC [[Irreverence Awards|Irreverence Award]] "Permadeath Prize (PC We'd Most Like to See Dead, Forever)"

Latest revision as of 22:06, 27 March 2010

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