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#REDIRECT [[Category:Spirit Gods]]
Spirit-gods are minor deities worshiped almost exclusively by the [[Avlissian Barbarians|barbarian]] tribes of [[Tyedu]]. The other [[:Category:Religion|gods]] of the world are largely forgotten there, for they never took interest in that land. Spirit-gods are almost uniformly nature gods although they sometimes also concern some other aspect of life. For example, a spirit-god's domain might be both Fire and Passion. They are generally [[demigods]] but some might be considered [[:Category:Lesser Gods|lesser gods]], while some may be simply heroes.
There are literally thousands of spirit-gods.
== Background ==
=== Origins ===
According to legend, long long ago, when the gods were newly made and there were no people on Avlis to speak of, a war broke out. A great creature of infinite evil was in conflict with nine warrior gods, and the whole planet shook as they battled overhead. Day after day they would ascend to the sky to engage in deadly combat, and night after night blood would rain down onto the ground as the gods retreated to heal their wounds. Though no mortal creatures suffered from this incessant skirmishing, there were many spirits who roamed the land back then, and they were paying a heavy price. Large numbers of them were consumed in the fray and wiped out forever.
It is told that one of the warrior gods involved in the fighting was a man of balance and equity who participated just as viciously against the Great Evil, as the other gods for such was its power. On one particular night, the god descended on the spirits living in the northland. He had come to regenerate his wounds incurred from the day's battles, and he brought with him many attendants, his own creations. These attendants were beautiful beings that called themselves "Mikonators". Always standing over seven feet tall, their powerfully muscled frames supported large feathery gray wings that protruded from their backs. Both the male and female varieties of Mikonator were equally elegant and regal. The Mikonators lived only to serve this god, and he had created many of them for that task.
On this night, when the god descended with his troop, he sent some of his Mikonators out among the spirits in the area to protect them. He knew that landing in this area would almost assuredly bring annihilation to the spirits the next day, for he would almost certainly be attacked right there on that spot by the Great Evil. Thus charged with the task of defending the spirits, the Mikonators held their position in the morning when the god rose to do battle... but he never came back for them.
Many of the pairs were annihilated the next day, but some survived. Obeying their master, the Mikonators that remained never left their spirit companions, and slowly over time they became very close to each other. Many of them created offspring through their unions. These offspring were enchantingly beautiful and possessed great power, though they were not technically divine as a full god would be. Over the ages, these offspring wandered the northern land that was their home, never desiring to stray far from their parents. In time, most of the original spirits perished in one way or another through various mishaps and conflicts, such as the Great War which came long after. But gradually, the ever expanding human population of Avlis reached that area from the land that is now called The Kurathene Empire and they made it their home.
These humans encountered the offspring of the Mikonators and the spirits, and they were awed by them. Many of these offspring are still worshiped as gods by the humans to this day. The other gods of the world are largely forgotten there, for they never took interest in that land. Thus, the people of Tyedu give them nothing in return. By the same token, the spirits adopted the humans, and over another long period they too interbred with the inhabitants, producing the Sprit-kin of today.
=== Influence ===
The superstitious Tyeduans are very loyal to their local spirit, whom they venerate as a god in all respects. Some of the Mikonator-Spirit offspring of the area who influence a large number of Spirit-kin can feel the effects of having many worshipers, and some have ascended to minor godhood in their own right. Though these spirit-gods may rule over different areas or geographical features, such as rivers, mountains, or a stretch of plains here and there, they all acknowledge the hard lifestyle that their followers live, and they demand that everyone stay fit and strong. All of these spirit-gods have that in common, though their actual philosophies can vary greatly.
Whenever there is a small harsh area with a lot of inhabitants trying to survive, there is inevitably conflict among them. The spirit-gods also know this and they allow it, for it makes their people stronger. Spirit-kin who follow the same spirit-god and live in the same general area are often regarded as tribes.
== Worshipping a Tyeduan Spirit-god ==
If your character is from Tyedu, you may worship a Tyedu spirit-god. There are thousands of these gods, and so you can generally make one up to follow. Guidelines are that it must be some sort of nature god, although it can also cover some other aspect of life if you want it to. So you can have a god of war and mountains, for instance. The god can also not be more than a lesser god, and most likely it will be of demigod or hero status. When you make the god, you should send Orleron (josh@avlis.org) a blurb on what the name is and what they are about and what tribe you are from. If approved it will be added to the Avlis background material.
Another rule about these gods is that they will not be inclined to have temples and shrines outside of Tyedu. Tyedu gods are generally not worshipped outside of their tribe and certainly not outside their nation. It would take a whole huge amount of time and evolution to make a Tyedu god into an accepted deity among the other Avlissian gods. It's a lot like the amount of work it took to make a small pagan tribal deity named El into the major god of three world religions who continue their domination to this very day: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
One last rule: You cannot bring in a deity that already exists someplace else. This is an opportunity for you to create Avlis deities from scratch, not to pilfer a Forgotten Realms deity or absorb a Celtic deity.

Latest revision as of 21:33, 27 June 2018