PCs:Malulani jael MacMurray

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This good-hearted, red-haired, green-eyed woman is also known as M.J. She is the seventh and youngest (as far as she knows) child of Captain Arlen MacMurray owner of the merchant ship Fortune. She does not have any information on her mother, as all such inquires were rebuffed as long as she can remember. She has six older brothers: Abboid, Cormick, Cowan, Cian, Sheridan and Grady. All of who were employed on her father's vessel. M.J.'s assignment on the Fortune was as cooks-mate and, as the cook was also the ship's healer, she also learned a few healing arts.

She hated the regimented discipline required to keep out of trouble on the merchant vessel. Every crewman on the vessel seemed to make it their personal duty to chastise her. M.J. dreamed about what it would be like to walk in cool forests and warm meadows. She longed for the freedom to make her own choices. So, she resolved to leave as soon as she "came of age". Luck was with her on the night she turned 21, for the Fortune was docked. She took her few possessions and managed to slip away. She felt somehow that even though she was old enough to determine her own destiny, it would be difficult to leave her overbearing father.

For awhile, she wandered about always looking over her shoulder to make certain that no family members were coming after her. She made her first land side friend in Bennedict Brightfeather whom she currently adores. M.J. quickly learned to drop her merchant marine mode of speech in favor of more conventional common. She loves animals and roaming about in the woods and fields. M.J. worships O'Ma, although she is not very ritualistic about it. She is currently an apprentice in the AKN, although she often neglects her studies in favor of other adventures.

M.J. is now a member of the Ferrell Exploration and Adventuring Troupe - FEAT.

M.J. has recently been involved in the activities of the Solar Brigade.

M.J. has recently been elected the Keeper of the Dice for FEAT.