Belail Tribe

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Clan Belail

Among the northernmost tribes of Tyedu, the Clan Belail is a reclusive group that makes its home within the vast ice caverns located under the frigid wastes. The tribe only rarely leaves the security of its caverns, but foreigners who brave the hostile climate are often welcomed by the hardy clansmen to share in their traditions of communal hunts.

The harsh environment and the icy winds of the area have brought about an interesting dichotomy in the Belail clan’s beliefs surrounding magic and its use. While magics are for the most part feared and rejected, druids and sorcerers specializing in fire and ice magics are commonly revered as shamans. Fire commonly represents the good in the region, an understandable conclusion given the necessity of heat for survival and the cooking of foods. Cold, although tolerated in magic and the environment, usually represents evil in the Belail pantheon.

Not surprisingly, the chief deity and namesake of the tribe is Belail. Belail is believed to be the spirit deity of fire and the hunt, occasionally blessing the massive twin weapons of the tribal hunters with flaming blades and their armor with protection from the cold. Belail is a True Neutral deity, occasionally aiding his hunters with success in their hunt, and occasionally starving them for months at a time, in an effort to strengthen their stock.