Character Height

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Player Character Height

Avlis allows for setting Player Character (PC) height at the New Character Staging area.

The allowed values are within 0.05 of the default model, using the NWN:EE Toolset scaler.


Q: Does this affect size modifiers?
A: No.
Q: Why this specific range?
A: It ensures that races continue to be sized in relation to each other. Going beyond it, the outcome is skewed.
Q: How does this look like in practice?
A: Some examples below.
Example 1: Height range for Elf, Human, Half-Orc PCs (male).
Example 2: Shortest, average, tallest Human PCs (male).
Example 3: Shortest Half-Orc PC is about same height as tallest Human, only slightly taller than the Human.
Example 4: Shortest Human PC is about same height as tallest Elf, only slightly taller than the Elf.
The NWN:EE toolset feature used for the scale range (0.95 - 1.05).