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Revision as of 04:23, 11 July 2024 by Beary666 (talk | contribs) (Added that holy warrior levels are not taken into account)
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Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Sor/Wiz/Clr 9
Innate Level: 9
Casting Time:
Target: Single
Duration: 1 Minute/Level
Saving Throw: NA
Spell Resistance: NA
Energy Substitution: No

Gate summons forth a planar being to do its summoner's will. Two versions of the spell are currently implemented, a weaker and stronger version - depending upon the caster level of the person doing the summoning. The weaker version is used for level 17-24, and the greater version level 25 on.

Weaker Versions

Deity Align Planar Being Classes/Levels Notes
Gorethar LG Summoned Lesser Archon 6 Outsider/12 Paladin
O'ma NG Summoned Lesser Lupinal 8 Outsider/13 Druid
Dru'el CG Summoned Lesser Hawk Guardian 6 Outsider/12 Ranger/4 Barbarian
Toran LN Summoned Greater Formian Warrior 19 Outsider
Mikon TN Summoned Lesser Adamantine Golem 16 Construct/4 Outsider
Forian CN Summoned Lesser White Slaad 18 Outsider
Valok LE Summoned Lesser Pit Fiend 18 Outsider
Aarilax NE Summoned Lesser Ultroloth 8 Outsider/13 Sorc
Maleki CE Summoned Lesser Balor 19 Outsider

Stronger Versions

Deity Align Planar Being Classes/Levels Notes
Gorethar LG Summoned Archon 9 Outsider/17 Paladin
O'ma NG Summoned Lupinal 10 Outsider/17 Druid
Dru'el CG Summoned Hawk Guardian 8 Outsider/16 Ranger/4 Barbarian
Toran LN Summoned Greater Formian Myrmarch 25 Outsider
Mikon TN Summoned Minor Adamantine Golem 22 Construct/4 Outsider
Forian CN Summoned Minor White Slaad 24 Outsider
Valok LE Summoned Pit Fiend 24 Outsider
Aarilax NE Summoned Ultroloth 10 Outsider/20 Sorc
Maleki CE Summoned Balor 26 Outsider


  • This description is not taken from the DevWiki and may not match the actual code (which is why the formatting is totally different from all the other spells).
  • Gate is not spell-hooked, so it will not take Pale Master, Red Dragon Disciple, or Holy Warrior levels into account.
  • Summoning an entity with the opposite alignment, and without the appropriate Protection From Alignment, will release the being uncontrolled and hostile.
  • The being is chosen at the time of casting via dialog box, thus the spell cannot be cast while caster or party is engaged in combat.