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Shemathen Le'Yeritath

Alignment: any

Base of operations: T'Nanshi forest, In a cave. We do outreach wherever nature needs us.

How to contact us: Stop by the forest, the plants and animals are our eyes and ears. (Post in the Druid & Ranger Forum)

What we do: We plant plants, guard plants, keep the ebony out of tnanshi, heal the sick and wounded, some of us serve in the army, we develop a working knowledge of nature, without a goal of profiteering. Some of us have been known to harass crafters, whether gathering or producing. Wide open to what we do, really if it is in the forests best interest someone of us will do it.

What to expect: Very chaotic, we haven't had a moot (meeting) in probably 2 or 3 months, and when we did, there was 5-6 people there, out of the 20ish members we have. Almost always one of us in the wilderness, certainly somewhere in Avlis at all times. We like having fun, and talking about the forest, and despite what FunkOdyssey or Keikobad says, the shrumping is kept to a minimum.

Who we want: We want Rangers and Druids, most of us are multiclassed, and I think we have some people without any ranger or druid levels, as I said, we are very chaotic, so we don't like rules, so if you want to join, we'll talk. Plus you get a kickass forum avatar like mine. Template:Guild