Revised Codex of Resonant Warding Rituals: Elysian Edition

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Revised Codex of Resonant Warding Rituals: Elysian Edition An Overview of Cooperative Magic by Ammika Beign


Cooperative magic can and will take on many forms and styles. The Elysian Ritual of (RE)Warding took on the design of belief. Belief in what we are doing to protect others by harnessing the power of our faiths to create the wards. In planning the ritual the idea of conducting it as one would musicians came to mind. By arranging the prayers of those taking part in the ritual into a single prayer that will be conducted and arranged with magical empowerment and blessings of trained priest and priestess.

Ritual Text:

Lord O'Ma, we follow You joyfully and You protect and guide us
Heavenly Dra'Nar, son of O'ma, the Father of Fey
We pray to the Harpinger, the Shepherd at the Veil
We beseech you Cha'reth
Lady Dre'Ana and Lord Dra'Nar, we beseech You both
Dru'El, you teach us to follow our path
Gorethar, I pray to you, not as one of your holiest of warriors, but as a girl who has found solace in faith her whole life
Great Hunter, I call on you to safeguard your Father's City from the Dark

Help us in our hour of need. Protect Your Lord and His city
Look over this city and the orphans within...
For her daughters have sacrificed themselves
guiding our hands against those who seek strife...
ward Elysia, guard her, against that which would do harm
My path returns me to Elysia
Let your Song inspire the Shining City
Time and time again in the name of Elysia
Names are long forgotten but faces are remembered only in dreams
I summon the Power of the ancient rites surrounding the Old Ways of the Hunt
So that Her own songs ring loud and true!

Bolster our wards with your divine might
That what we place here today will not fade
For we know it will be,
Help us in healing against any threat, that may cause her people to alarm
If Dra'Nar is with us this day
Fortify these walls and wash away the fears of O'ma's Children sheltered within
Where all face the darkness
Let your Song give Elysia courage against the dark,
Look upon us in dire times and stand with us
Please give us strength when weak, love when filled with hate, courage when frightened, wisdom when feeling foolish, hope when hopeless, and peace when in turmoil
Against our foe, we may have the advantage
Let the hearts of the Peoples of the City know no fear,
Hunt down the Evil that seeks our destruction

Now in our turn, we must help protect You against the evil Titania
Help us in our hour of need. Protect Your Mother and Her city
We are humble servants to your Will, Mighty Hunter
We ask that you help us to protect your fair city of Elysia and its Patron
Lastly, we call upon all good and decent people to come to our aid
Protect Lord O'Ma and the city of Elysia
Guide and Protect us from the suffering to come
In your light, we shall never be lost. Shayla
Ward, protect, heal all in harm's way, and bring peace to our day
As you will ever be there to catch us, even when our own song ends

To those that prayed, we offer our thanks.
To those that came to witness the ritual, we offer our thanks.
Elysia's shining light shall never dim again if we stand together.

~ Printed at Drakehall (PUB)lishing House, Elysia ~