Yoofeh Naialah Naeen

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Yoofeh Naialah Naeen by Nawen Amakiir

Walked hand in hand with great warriors
walked in those steps and made my own
in the end, desires and dreams revealed
cast off the mantle of self-real and fantasized
sloughed Her love and her affections

Pain and suffering brought upon self and Her
enduring to spite some to prove to self and others
great sights envisioned and peacefulness fleeting
comfort came in brief and followed by pain
A smiling face of concern and peace is torture

Anguishing in self-outside and inside hidden but not well
dearest comforts and speaks softly with understand
solace sought if just for sanity and wellness
longer and longer without speaking single words
hidden movements on unseen paths

Journey into self through the darkness of being
venture into the lightness of living
battling dreams of what was and seeing what is
past demons shrouded from sight
pulling strings at will as they play their games

Pity comes and goes for them and self
turns to anger and ferments to be bottled
delightful brew of hatred living and breathing
speaking in twisted tongues of hushed voices
sickness overtakes but is poisoned by will

self-aware of self in body with returning the spirit
still who I was in all but see more clearly
darkness is as within all that speak
lightness inhabits us all and waits within
I decide and none can play their role in

I've walked in the lands and see more than I care
solace and self in one place and one alone
where self and dreams walk together
a mystery of both work together with me
I know who I am and I love her

The journey isn't over and I don't know where it goes
life is like that and it is a wonderful surprise
I am not alone in this call it a feeling once felt
words that have been spoken without voice
now have a voice and the heart means them