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About me


Birth Date: 7 june 1975
Nationality:Canadian (Québec)
Occupation:Military (infantry)
Board name:Shardthepious


I began to play Avlis as Shard in 2005 (if i remember well) and joined the TEAM in 2006. I joined the TEAM as Ra-Ghul but switched to Alifanitax just for the fun to run around as a demon hehehe! I stick a lot to the Elysia server but also run around Mikona and Wilderness....and underdark for the rare time someone play there! I prefer to run small encounter and one shot event. I like to possess NPC to add to the life of the world and RP with PC who are near.

I took a small break from DMing at my boy birth and since then i try to DM at least once a week. But, for obvious reason i have lot less time than before to play. But since my Main character is dead, the only time i log is as DM...good for you ;)

So continue your good RP and you'll get those nice chocolate cookies i like to give around. OH! i almost forgot! Even if you are alone, take NPC as if their were PC.... perhaps i'm around ;)