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Latest revision as of 07:28, 22 August 2018

Lutes and Lovers #354

~Throughout the issue is an array of drawings (some in watercolor) of the ginger-haired, sun-kissed and forest infused Nawen of the Fairy Gardens in all sorts of poses from cheeky to risqué and done with an erotic touch that protects the mysteries that all women should have. In all the drawings she is posed with her lovely lute.~

~Amongst the drawings is one where the little forest spirit is posed au naturel and covering herself up with her hands. Much detail is put into the drawing of the rings on her fingers. Above the drawing is written:

I never perform without my jewelry from Squids Inn. It sets the mood and helps me sparkle at my brightest.

Below the drawing is the following:

Have you been on an adventure recently? Having trouble selling your magical trinkets and booty off? Are Merchants too tight on the really valuable stuff? Then don't worry, Squids In can help you! We are buying all sorts of trinkets, potions, magical staffs, weapons and armors at good gold prices. If there is something that Ophelia doesn't buy, don't worry and hold onto it. See Captain Bibi and she'll haggle the pants off you for it!

Squids In is located in a Cave on the hill of Zvidureth. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tulip's Interviews

~Tulip's flowely chatterly flapper sit down and talkerly about the truly sparkly things others want to know.

Had a chatterly one-on-one with our fiery feature, about the prints and her own prinerly self. -- T

T: Nawen, who made these drawings?

N: Let's just say I know someone very talented.

T: What's your intended audience?

N: Audience? Everyone of course, but I am sure there be those that shake their heads.

T: What do you think are your best features?

N: My eyes. A lot have told me they are kind eyes with a spark of mischief.

Of course, a solo performance isn't as freen as a threely one, so asked two more to join the fun. They were Frannie Mouze and Fellock. --

T: When did people start talking about your musical talents?

N: Long time ago. I think it was DAMN IT Nawen, stop practicing scales at that hour.

Fr: I think I was around 4 or 5 when mom and dad signed me up for piano lessons (probably so I would stop playing percussion on the pots and pans). I sang at services every week, I think I was 18 or so when I sang the first song I wrote, a hymn of sorts, when a couple of my siblings were inducted onto the Council of Balance. Freddy and Ferria encouraged me to write more songs and to sing in public.

Fe: Oh, when I was still really young! I'd just mimic any music I heard and everyone in the flock said I was good at it. I started throwing in my own sounds eventually, or trying more complex noises and I just kept going from there. I never really felt like I was good at it or anything, though, it was just the only thing I wasn't bad at.

T: Where's the perfect place for a daterly tryst?

N: Depends on who I am trysting with as to where. Everyone has their own taste. Each person is special.

Fr: There's this one waterfall, near a ridge up towards the peak of Deglos... if you hike all the way up, you can find a perfect picnic spot right near the top of the waterfall. There's plenty of room to spread out a blanket, and enjoy a nice meal and a chat and remain undisturbed.

Fe: Oh, that's definitely an enclosed room at the top of a tower with a big window! You're safe, and have a nice view, and the odds of anything attacking you there are very low. I don't care what mammals say, nothing is more intimate than knowing the two of you won't be attacked by a swarm of giant spiders.

T: What flesherly things do you look out for in a partner?

N: Love smiles. I see a smile and doesn't matter how many around. That smile is for me.

Fr: I can't say that I have a type-kind eyes, warm smile.

Fe: Long feathers, definitely, especially ones with a hint of another color at the tips. That's very pretty and bold looking, I think. I don't have anything against shorter feathers; I just have a soft spot for long ones.

T: Describe your ideal partner as a musical instrument.

N: Quick to respond to touch, able to match me in multiple performances, and comfortable to hold.

Fr: A flute...breathing sweet nothings, and dancing fingers to make sweetly soulful music.

Fe: Harp, still a harp. Gentle, light, and enchanting, with otherworldly qualities.

T: Choose the most tempterly armor.

N: Robes always robes.

F: I do adore the look of a well-muscled frame encased in full plate, but I prefer for myself, silk leggings and leather accents.

Fe: Robes, definitely robes. How can armor be tempting? I don't get just makes me think we're in danger and are about to be attacked by a swarm of giant spiders.

T: Imagine a survey of the most desired date-night dates. Who'd be the top five?
N: Am enlightened in the art of trysting. So in no order and they know who they are:
The Hunter
The Tree Climber
The Mermaid
The Shopkeeper
The Tree Hugger

F: I can't tell you all my secrets.

Speaking of secrets... that's not all that was told, so there's more to come in time! -T

~Mi Mi's House of Style~

The performer's choice for pre-performance rituals and after show treatments!
Tell them Frannie sent you and get free glitter with any nail polish.

Lutes and Lovers #354 features:
Nawen Amakiir
Frannie Mouze
Tulip:Fey of Flappertunity

Sponsored by Squids In and Captain Ony