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Revision as of 07:41, 15 September 2010 by Kthxbye (talk | contribs)
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According to the telepathy guide, ESP can't work the way it is described now. Kthxbye 12:35, 14 September 2010 (CDT)

Well, the term 'surface thoughts' may imply enough of an understanding to not necessarily gain information the mind would not consciously reveal, right? Which implies the skill bonii of the power, but not that it breaks RP. Gurky Bogglewig 12:42, 14 September 2010 (CDT)
Umh.. The telepathy guide states nothing at all can be read. -- Kthxbye 12:52, 14 September 2010 (CDT)
Perhaps we should reword it then. I mean, it's clearly suggested that ESP gives you an advantage in terms of persuade, bluff, and intimidate, but not because one is aware of surface thoughts... why don't we change that to 'surface emotions'? This doesn't imply reading actual thoughts. Gurky Bogglewig 13:06, 14 September 2010 (CDT)
My suggestion is to use body language.. The description may be something like: "Focusing on body language, the psionicist is able to transmit the emotions he wants conveyed: he can result persuasive, intimidating or easy to trust because of how he acts with others. Also, he is able to tell other people's emotions by their body language, often predicting what they are going to do or tell, giving the feeling (if the psionicist wishes so) to have ESP powers to read their mind, when he is instead only paying attention." -- Kthxbye 02:41, 15 September 2010 (CDT)