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| Animal Companion Training | Fauna Lore | Submit Research on a New Companion |


Creature Name: Bezekira

Observations by: Teleniel

Creature Type: Animal ((####))

Creature Subtype: Outsider

CTS trainable:


These fierce cats move about almost silently, constantly on the watch for some chance to do evil.

A Hell Cat stands between 3 and 4 feet at the shoulder and survivors of their attacks have placed them anywhere from 5 to 9 feet long and weighing between 200 and 600 lbs. While reports vary every survivor agrees that these cats are fierce and that they were lucky to survive the encounter.

Feeding Habits

Hell Cats have a devilish intelligence and kill for the enjoyment of it. Even those kept by Devils of the 9 hells refuse to be fed and keep to their nature to hunt.

Disposition and Social Habits

Bezekira are cruel creatures, a product of the 9 hells to which they call their home. They take a perverse enjoyment from setting ambushes and otherwise outwitting their prey, which they may be stalking and killing in their boredom.


These cats are rarely seen outside of the planes of Hell. They can occasionally be found where the fabric between the planes is thinner using the Material Plane as a private hunting ground.


Most compatible: Panther

  • The Bezekira is also known as the Hell Cat because of it's feline instincts

Other notes

These cats posses the ability to hide in even the smallest shadow. Personal accounts have had them disappearing from sight only to surprise a target with a visceral attack shortly afterward.